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What is the Role of Moulim in Umrah Pilgrimage?

Author: Kashif Ahmad
by Kashif Ahmad
Posted: Jan 18, 2018

Umrah is a sacred pilgrimage which is undertaken by Muslims all over the world. Umrah is a holy word which means "To visit a populated place". As per the Holy Quran, Umrah is not compulsory, but doing it brings rewards to all the pilgrims. As per the holy Quran, the essential feature of Umrah is to undertake Tawaif around the Kabah, after doing Ihram and then the holy trip of Sai between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Since India has a huge population of Muslims, numbering about twenty crores, lakhs of pilgrims go for Umrah from India every year. As per the latest headcount, about one lakh pilgrims from India go for Umrah every year. To know the process on how to book a low cost Umrah package, please go through the below lines

What are the rituals of Umrah Pilgrimage?

The Umrah package has certain basic features which need to be followed. The primary feature is Tawaf which constitutes going around the Kaabah seven times anticlockwise. Thereafter, there is a feature of Sai which consists of walking to and fro between the hills of Safa and Marwah. In Sai, you need to provide water from the holy well of Zamzam. The third feature is Taqsir, which includes partial cutting of hair, reserved for women for cutting one inch of their hair.

What are the steps involved in doing Umrah

You need to wash your hands and body thoroughly and then enter Ihram and pray Nafal twice. Next, you must recite the prayers and do Tawaf. After that, you must walk towards Safa and Marwah hills and say 'DUA' near Safa as per the norms of Sai. Thereafter, proceed towards Marwah hills and male devotees must run where there are green lights. Devotees must walk seven times in between the hills. Finally, do Taqsir, as per the rituals given above.

Why Umrah pilgrimage is so important?

The importance of Umrah pilgrimage cannot be explained in mere words. As per the holy Quran, The Prophet PBUH said that, "The accepted hajj has no other reward, except Paradise." The Umrah is known to be an expiration of one’s sins. Hazrat Abu Hurairah, a close companion of the Prophet PBUH, reported a saying of the Prophet PBUH: "An Umrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and the next, and hajj, which is accepted will receive no other reward than Paradise." He further reported that Holy Prophet PBUH says that: "Whoever performs hajj/ Umrah to this House (Ka’aba) and does not approach his wife for sexual relations nor commits sins (while performing hajj, Umrah), he will come out as sinless as a newly-born child." Ayesha, the holy mother states that I asked the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)) "Messenger of Allah is there jihad for women" The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Yes, there is jihad upon them, there is no fighting involved in it, Hajj and Umrah."

How to book Umrah pilgrimage from Delhi?

In order to undertake this pilgrimage successfully, you should avail the services of Umrah operators Delhi. There are two types of Umrah tour operators in the market, one is public and the other is private. These firms have a fantastic technical staff which will accumulate your certificates like photos, passport, visa filled forms etc. They will verify the info and after confirmation, will submit to the embassy for issuing the visa. The primary criteria for selecting this Umrah tour operator is that it should be approved by the Haj committee of Saudi Arabia, with a bonafide license no. All these firms have a world class customer care service, which is approachable by fax, mail, chat and phone. They are the best people to guide you in the visa process. For getting the best deal, always compare rates from different customers.

What is the role of Moulim in Umrah Pilgrimage?

Moulim have an extremely important role to play in Umrah pilgrimage. They are essentially guides who have thorough knowledge in documentation and processes related to Umrah. They are usually a part of the Umrah tour package. They are fluent in English, Arabic and other Indian languages etc. Moulims will explain you in detail the procedure and the significance of all the steps involved, including transportation between the different sites.

What are the necessary essential safety measures for Umrah Pilgrimage?

There are certain essential safety measures for Umrah pilgrimage, which you need to follow.

  1. Always cover your mouth with tissue paper while sneezing and coughing.
  2. You should wash your hands with lot of water and soap.
  3. You must avoid mouse and nose contact to prevent infection.
  4. In Umrah, if you are having breathing problems, then you should contact doctor immediately.
About the Author

I am travel guide. I organizes Islamic pilgrimage from India. I like to write article about Islamic pilgrimage to share my experience for the people of the world.

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Author: Kashif Ahmad

Kashif Ahmad

Member since: Jan 17, 2018
Published articles: 4

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