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List the Features of a Successful ERP Testing

Author: Michael Wade
by Michael Wade
Posted: Apr 19, 2018

The challenges of rising competition and changing technology are forcing companies to optimize their resources. By doing so, they are aiming to improve productivity, reduce operational cost, increase profitability and achieve customer satisfaction. The implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution helps in meeting the above mentioned objectives.

What is an ERP?

A business enterprise has many departments, functions and processes where more often than not they work in silos or worse, at cross purposes to each other. This leads to redundancies, loss of efficiency, productivity and waste of precious resources. In an increasingly competitive world with demanding customers, this can mean a deficiency in service and reduced profitability. This calls for the implementation of an ERP solution.

ERP is a suite of integrated software applications that helps to get real time information from various departments, functions and processes of the business. This information can be analysed to help optimize the functions and resources of the business. The software helps the stakeholders to take suitable timebound decisions to achieve business objectives.

The ERP software helps in collecting, storing, managing and interpreting data by using a common database management system. The ERP software takes into account all the hierarchical structures and workflows of each business unit or function and provides a common platform or interface. To prevent the implementation of an ERP solution from failing, suitable ERP QA should be carried out. The ERP testing methodology should ensure the various domain specific functionalities of the ERP software work seamlessly.

Types of ERP testing

Installation testing: A faulty installation of the software can lead to its failure. It can happen when the functions or their sub routines do not work in synchrony or there are some missing files. An ERP testing can identify the glitches and help in the proper installation of the software.

Functional testing: The ERP testing services test and validate the software suiteā€™s ability to meet the operational objectives.

Load testing: Here, the ERP testing services find out if the software is capable of processing data beyond the prescribed limit. This is an important information to know from the perspective of scaling up the functioning of the software, if needed.

Security testing: The growing cyber security threat from viruses, malware, ransomware, trojans etc means organisations have to safeguard their IT resources. Thus, security testing of an ERP software becomes important by validating aspects like user authentication, passwords etc.

Checklist for ERP testing

The testing team should prepare a comprehensive checklist to identify the test areas. Each of the above mentioned tests should have well documented guidelines.

  • Assess the requirements: Assess the project requirements, identify the objectives and delineate the modules to be tested. Find out the various touch points of the business with an aim to enhance the test coverage area and to improve the test quality.
  • Set the test goal: The type, scope and objective of the test are to be identified. This also leads to the identification of resources and the team structure to implement the specific test. Find out the departments, functions and processes to be integrated with the ERP software in order to test them.
  • Identify the test cases/areas: Identify the test cases and areas that are to be managed manually or through test automation. The test cases should validate all the processes that fall within the test coverage area.
  • Set up the test tools effectively: State the quality metrics based on which the testing has to be validated. Ensure that the systems to be used for testing are working to their optimum capacity. This precludes any performance issues during the testing phase.
  • Simple testing: Begin the testing phase with a simple test, namely, creating a customer account or processing a customer payment. Record each and every step of the test process for training and for conducting the retest. The ERP testing methodology should adopt the best practices to optimize productivity and improve efficiency.
  • Complex testing: Conduct a slew of tests as a part of the overall ERP testing exercise such as usability, performance, integration and security.
  • Create a recording mechanism: Prepare a reporting mechanism to collect the test reports for further analysis. As the test generates various reports related to its success or failure, they should be properly documented to identify the vulnerabilities (areas of failure) and process defects.


Maintaining a checklist helps to seamlessly execute a suitable ERP testing methodology. The validation of an ERP software helps in its proper implementation. This helps organizations to streamline operations and optimize resources for better functioning and performance. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness can be assured when teams maintain a checklist.

About the Author

Michael works for Cigniti Technologies, which is the world's first Independent Software Testing Company to be appraised at CMMI-SVC Level 5, and an ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 27001:2013 certified organization.

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Author: Michael Wade

Michael Wade

Member since: Aug 26, 2015
Published articles: 94

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