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Peel Away 1 Makes Refinishing Easy

Author: Big Paint Store
by Big Paint Store
Posted: May 12, 2014

Transforming old, ugly furniture into works of art is a fun project that many enjoy. Others, however, are overwhelmed by the work that’s often called for to remove layers of old paint to reveal the beauty of the wood below. This is where Peel Away 1 can come in and save the day. While this paint stripper won’t take all the work out of the project, it can help make revealing the wood beneath layers of paint a whole lot less time consuming.

What is Peel Away 1?

This is a complete paint removal systemthat’s designed to streamline the preparation process for refinishing and repainting. Created using solvents that aren’t flammable or loaded with noxious fumes, this stripper works in a single application to remove as many as 30 coats of lead-based or oil paint. That means it can cut hours out of the process while making the stripping process a whole lot more enjoyable.

In addition to speeding up the removal of old paint, Peel Away 1also provides what’s needed to prepare furniture and other painted items for repainting.

Why Bother Refinishing?

There are a number of reasons why refinishing makes sense over throwing away old furniture and replacing it with brand new designs. Here are just a few reasons stripping with Peel Away 1 makes sense over the alternative:

  • The cost savings – If you already own furniture that’s sturdy by design, functional and has a nice basic shape, there’s no reason to get rid of it. By using a paint stripper to start the process of refinishing, you can end up with a piece that looks brand new without spending a fortunate in the process.
  • The potential value – Many people who enjoy refinishing pieces of furniture and other items tend to do so in hopes of finding highly useful, beautiful and even valuable works hidden under layers of paint. Antique furniture, for example, can be highly valuable. The trick is finding it and presenting it in the right light.
  • The quality – Antique furniture is quite often made to a higher quality standard than pieces of today. With solid wood used in construction instead of pressed board, these pieces are made to last. Peel Away 1 just helps them look good doing so.

About the Company:

The Big Paint Store is a leading provider of paints, paint strippers and products like Peel Away 1 over the Internet. Providing to-your-door service, the company makes home improvement projects easier and more affordable.

About the Author

The Big Paint Store is one of the Internet’s leading suppliers of Peel Away 1 products, Modern Masters Paint and other supplies. Consumers across the country can order a variety of home care and home improvement project supplies from the store.

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Author: Big Paint Store

Big Paint Store

Member since: Jan 13, 2014
Published articles: 7

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