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All About Planking The Deck

Author: Andrew Anten
by Andrew Anten
Posted: Jul 22, 2019

On a real ship, the plank that was laid along the centerline of the ship was called the king plank. The other deck planks were then laid adjacent and parallel to this plank and on either side moving towards the bulwarks of the ship. On the ship model kits, you can either decide to lay a king plank, and plank the deck in the preferred pattern, or you can just sketch a line down the center of the deck and plank either side of that line in the preferred pattern. Either is acceptable.

It is vital as you step forward across the deck with the deck planks that you noticeably mark out using a pencil where any mast holes, gratings or hatches are to be found. It is very simple to fail to remember this plain step as you eagerly plank the deck. Now that you have made a decision what technique you’ll employ to simulate the caulking, the planking pattern and the plank lengths it is now time to begin laying the deck planks.

At the stern and at the bow, you’ll be required to trim the planks where they meet the bulwark. In order to perform this, just fit three or four parallel to the king plank or the center planking line. Then, with the help of a pencil and the bulwark as a guide, mark a line across the planks, which will be parallel with the bulwark at that point. Then trim the deck planks along the pencil line with the help of scissors. Test fit the planks into place and fractionally fit if required.

Perform this process again for the entire planks as you step forward across the deck. This is the easiest technique of butting the deck planks to the bulwark. A more comprehensive technique is known as jogging, which you can also learn about from a professional scale modeler.

Now, getting the planks glued is the next step. For the planks, you’ve just shaped to fit into the stern or bow area, make use of either contact glue or PVA glue in order to get the planks fixed in place. Once the planks are laid in position, ensure you run a chisel blade over the length of the planks in order to get rid of any air bubbles that may possibly be under the veneer strips.

After the planking is done, make sure you keep away from sandpaper in order to finish the deck. With the aim of getting a smooth finish that doesn’t result in the graphite from the pencil used to simulate the caulking, make use of a small piece of glass with at least a single edge clean-cut and sharp. Hold the hull tightly and scrape the glass over the deck planks. This has the effect of creating a remarkably clean and smooth deck. With the aim of finishing the deck, apply a couple of coats of clear satin varnish.

Planking the deck of the ship model kits will definitely be done effectively if you follow the steps mentioned above!

About the Author

He provides lessons on how to choose the best ship model kits or the a href= boat kits through his blogs and online videos.

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Author: Andrew Anten

Andrew Anten

Member since: Dec 15, 2015
Published articles: 22

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