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Top 5 apps you should use if you are planning to study abroad.

Author: John Alex
by John Alex
Posted: Oct 05, 2019
manage budget

I know that the first few days can be a bit difficult for you as you are away from home, you are settling down and getting used to the new student life, adjusting to new college culture, meeting people from different places.

I won’t mention the common apps like Uber, Zomato, XE Currency Converter, Google Translate, BBC Weather. I am pretty sure you know about these applications.

Well, Here is the list of 5 must-have apps that can help students manage their budget, find great food spots around them, travel better and many more for a convenient stay there.

1. DuolingoAre you facing the language barrier or communication issues?

Don't worry; this is one of the most common challenges of studying abroad, We understand that you are having a problem in doing basic tasks like grocery shopping, part-time jobs, traveling, but You don't have to feel like an outsider anymore. Take this as a learning opportunity!

Duolingo is the most popular and best-known language learning app; you can decide what language you want to learn. Duolingo lessons are broken up into 5-10 minutes exercises; you see your correct answers instantly, a guide to improve, its game-like format makes it easier for students. You will also unlock new levels, watch your score as you will master in your chosen language. Imagine going home bilingual, teaching your cousin new language.


We understand how much you are missing that delicious home-cooked meals, comfortable room where you have Queen and Pink Floyd posters, Hangouts at your favorite spots with your friends and majorly, your parents. If you are feeling homesick already, don't worry. It's natural. Don't let it stand in the way of making your time abroad an incredible experience! Many things can reduce the feeling of homesickness and help overcome it.

Well, This smartphone app- HeadSpace focuses on improving the health and happiness of the world. HEADSPACE is the meditation app with guided exercises to calm your mind; If you are having trouble with stress, You will benefit from it. It has millions of users in more than 190 countries. You can take a few minutes a day to learn life-changing mindfulness skills.


Don't regret having a blast party last night! It's okay to have your favorite cuisine at an expensive restaurant to give yourself a little treat! Don't worry about your budget management, and leave it on MINT.

This budgeting app connects directly to your bank account and updates your spending automatically. Mint is the most-recommended money app because it is user-friendly, free, secure and easy to operate no matter where you are in the world. It helps you manage your budget. Mint can help you plan your next big trip or your birthday celebration with your friends, and allows you to keep track of your everyday expenses.

Install Mint and don't worry about your budget management; Mint will give you an update on transaction tracking, categorization, and bill reminders.

4. UniDAYSIt's the end of the month, and you are already out of your budget?

Unidays brings the best college discount online and in-store with all the popular brands and merchants in many varieties, including fashion, entertainment and technology, you just need to be a student. It's free, and you will benefit from great discounts. You can get to see the content related to fashion picks, celebrity style, recipe suggestions, study tips, the latest competitions, and giveaways to win amazing prizes. You can also earn credit when you refer your friends.

5. AmberStudent

No, It's not an app. But you can find many student accommodation options on according to your budget and other preferences. Also, you will get free personal assistance too!

After a long day at your University, you don't want to sleep on the uncomfortable bed and disturbing environment. AmberStudent can help you find the best accommodation in a country unknown is the most challenging task. For students living away from home for the first time, accommodation hunting becomes quite difficult. AmberStudent can provide you with the best options available so that you can have the best student life experience abroad. It is available for many cities in the UK, may it be London, Birmingham, Sheffield, Belfast or Edinburgh.

I am sure you will have a comfortable and memorable stay there with some of these time-saving apps.
About the Author

BioGenerator is an evergreen investor that creates, grows, and funds innovative companies and talented entrepreneurs in the St. Louis region.

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Author: John Alex
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John Alex

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