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Know the Types of Equipment for Proper Early Years Education

Author: Premier Play Solutions
by Premier Play Solutions
Posted: Oct 13, 2019

Research work of respected educationalists such as Froebel, Montessori, and Seiner, has been aiding in devising learning framework for young kids, since the 19th century. Many developments in childcare and education have added up over the years, to form ample volumes of resources. These are today available to early years practitioners, for formulating learning frameworks and fabricating the appropriate environment.

What makes an ideal early years learning framework?

Practitioners in Early Years settings are familiar with some basic ideas on creating an ideal foundation for early years education. Some of these commonly will be –

  1. The best way to prepare children for adulthood is to provide them with what they need the most. It's only possible to understand a child's needs by studying them in an enabling environment, that lets them be who they are. One way to prepare such an environment is by using appropriate early years equipment for school.

  2. Subjects like mathematics and arts are not sperate in a child's fertile mind. They learn the best in an integrated manner. Imagination, creativity, and all kinds of expressions also emerge in a cohesive environment, that marries creative thinking with a logical approach.

  3. Relationship with adults and other kids take central importance in a child's life. Therefore, they must be offered with an education that enables them to take care of these relationships.

Now, all of the above parameters are fulfilled by a framework, that incorporates play in every corner.

When children play, they are learning at the highest level.

Through those quirky gestures, undecipherable to us adults, and those peculiar interaction manners, that seems indiscernible, kids learn a lot about their environments. Playful movements, interactions, and communications that happen around items like playground panels for school are not just to keep them entertained; they help them learn the ethos of their surroundings.

Learning through play

When arranging for a set-up that enables kids to learn through play, you need to look for the right equipment. Play equipment specialist such as Premier Play Solution sells all kinds of early years set-ups for school.

Educators should choose suitable tools as per the activity. Let's look at the typical activities that educators must focus on –

  1. Dramatic play

Dramatic play helps kids in exploring emotions, express themselves, explore language freely, practice decision making, and develop a range of motor skills. Play panels for schools like the post office and ice-cream stations are essential for dramatic play.

  1. Sand play

Young children are instinctively attracted to all-natural elements. Mould-able and harmless materials such as sand offer a precious learning opportunity. Kids use their senses to play with sand and build structures from their imagination with them. Items like a sand pit, scoops, funnels, buckets, trays and other modelling tools must be offered to them.

  1. Construction play

Items like legos and toy bricks enable children to get creative and imaginative, while they try to construct various structures. It helps with dimensional and directional understanding. Interlocking bricks, connecting equipment, and measuring sticks are ideal tools for this type of learning.

So, help kids to fulfil their potential with early years equipment for the school. They help with the holistic development of children.

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Author: Premier Play Solutions

Premier Play Solutions

Member since: Oct 10, 2019
Published articles: 1

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