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Quick guide to managing high budget app-development projects.

Author: James Vargas
by James Vargas
Posted: Nov 25, 2019

Deal done! have signed a very big project. But have you thought about the after-work and delivery process? Are you and your team ready to get things delivered as per the client's expectations? What if your budget overruns?

Leading a big organization, you are working on different projects and their delivery scope at the same time. But keeping track of all the bits and parts of them is indeed a tedious task.

Project delivery and budget management are the two important aspects that a project manager has to continuously keep a track on, but do you think it's a cakewalk to keep all these things in a loop? No right! If you are struggling to organize the work across multiple projects and are confused about how to manage the workload, these strategies can help you deal with your delivery problems by keeping things on track.

So if you are a start-up app development company or a fully matured giant of the industry, read on because there is something that can help you get better outputs to deliver a successful app to your client within your desired budget.

  • >> Define scope based on the agreement

The first thing you should do after confirming the project with your client is defining the scope of it. Hereby scope I mean the number of services that are to be delivered in a particular period to the client, based on his budget.

Defining scope will help you and your team get an idea about the expected outcomes from the work and will set the expectations of your client about what will be delivered to him.

Here you can list out the number of features that your client wants in his application based on his budget and the time, effort and resources that will be required to accomplish the tasks based on the deadline.

  • >> Explain goals and responsibilities to your team clearly

After defining the scope of the project, the next thing you should focus on as a project manager is defining responsibilities and assigning tasks to the team members.

Here the most important skill you should have is to identify the capabilities of your teammates. You should be very well aware of the strength and the weakness of the members under you. Know who is best in specific technology and who will be better testing it.

Define this to them and ask them to get their best ideas to accomplish the assigned task before the expected time, this will help you get some extra time in-case of any failure.

  • >> Prioritize the work

When you are working on some big projects there are many tasks and actions to be done at a time. It is the situation when your managing capabilities are to be shown and the best way to deal with this situation is by setting the work priorities based on the time and the importance of delivery.

Know how the different parts of the app are going to connect to create the final output, divide the task and the time accordingly. Make the time-line such that no two tasks overlap each other to create the dependency.

Pro tip: Always create a prototype and get it approved by your client, before working on the final products. This will help you save money as well as the efforts that your team is going to put after its successful delivery.

Sometimes there would be some tasks that would take less time but can create a great difference in terms of delivery. Such tasks are to be identified and should be completed first by setting its priority high.

  • >> Different delivery dates for a different project

Don't overburden your team with lots of work deadlines. As a team-lead, it's your responsibility to set the start and end dates of the project, keeping in mind the delivery dates of the other projects.

Concurrently running projects might create confusion in the heads of your team, especially when both the projects are of totally different areas and the technology to be implemented in it.

Scheduling the dates will help your team to work without the pressure and will help them get a good output as they need to focus on just one project at a time and will faster your delivery process. Following some business core values will build and retain the trust of your employees and the clients as a whole to grow your business well.

  • >> Manage your dependencies well

When you are working with a team on a big project, it is very obvious that the team will face dependency issues. Be careful about the timings of each of your sections in which your team is divided. Make sure no one sits waiting for the other to complete their tasks to continue their assigned tasks.

Also, keep some experts or jacks in your pockets, these are the people who are an all-rounder and can replace any of your team members in case they are not available due to an emergency.

  • >> Timing can make all the difference

Sometimes it's the timing that makes all the difference. Yes, a correct reply to a client at the correct time can change the game. You being the co-ordinator have to be on the edge of the chair to give people satisfactory answers.

Whether its clients or your team member, the way you will respond to their queries and the time that you give them those responses is what can make or break the project delivery process.

  • >> Track progress against plan

A project plan is a roadmap of the project delivery process which helps the team to coordinate and work on it together to achieve the common goals.

Reviewing the progress by taking continuous updates from your team regarding their work will help you get an idea about the current situation and the issues that your team is facing. This makes it easy for you to update the plan based on the current situation your team is in, whether it is in terms of changing technology or the methodology after it.

  • >> Set realistic time limits

Always keep yourself in the shoes of your team members before you set timeframes for the work that is to be done by them. So set the feasible deadlines that you and your team would be able to achieve.

It's human physiology that when you assign a huge amount of work to someone they feel lazy to do it, while if the same work is divided into small time frames they tend to complete it faster than what is expected. Divide your app-development process into specific modules, this will help them know how much they have achieved to showcase to the client.

  • >> Use good project management software

Project management software is invaluable when it comes to the project managing process for the managers, and especially when you are working in the 21st century this is something that could do some great magic for you.

As you know no human can replace the robots when it comes to date management, so when you can have such facilities where you can share and collect all your data of the project and can coordinate with your team well, then there are no second thoughts but to dive into their use.

  • >> Develop a habit to note everything

As a leader, you are coordinating various projects at a time, here you are talking to many people who are continuously feeding some new information into your head regarding various things going on around in the work.

Here your mind will not be able to remember them all at a time, so as soon as you get something new to the process, just note it in your diary to work on it later without missing it.

Putting it to a nutshell.

Getting successful deliveries by keeping everyone on the same page is a tough task to achieve especially when you are working on cutting-edge technologies. As a project manager or a new business owner, you have to be in a continuous effort to solve start-up business problems as you have these responsibilities on your shoulders to handle and deliver things on time.

So before you run to your team for celebrating the success of the big project being closed, get yourself ready for the work managing strategies with these project management tips. I assure you following this can make a difference in your delivery process to make it faster and more efficient.

About the Author

I am a manager at GetEverythingDelivered.We are on a mission to help people understand the importance of project delivery.

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Author: James Vargas

James Vargas

Member since: Sep 19, 2019
Published articles: 5

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