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Programmatic Advertising: Is It The Game-Changer For Marketing?

Author: Sumit Digital
by Sumit Digital
Posted: Dec 14, 2019
Well, it might be a whole new concept in the world of digital marketing. And, so you need to nerve it from the very first. Did you know by 2019, 83.6% of US digital display ad dollar will transact programmatically.

Yes, you read it right. Programmatic advertising will be a big thing against traditional marketing. This will a new milestone in the world of digital marketing. With all the services like SEO, SMO, PPC, Content Writing, Email Marketing, Web Development. You can now include the new-runner of digital marketing services.

Let’s get started…

What is Programmatic Advertising?

It is a way to target what types of audience you want to cater to or want to advertise. It is an automatic process of buying and selling ad inventory. This includes segments across demographics like age, gender, social standing, to geographic areas.

Programmatic media buying, marketing, and advertising is the algorithm sale. And the sale of advertising space in real-time. During this process, the software is used to buying, placement and optimizing of media inventory through a bidding system.

How Programmatic Advertising is different?

After welcoming the new form of online marketing. Programmatic advertising is about driving efficiencies to one’s branding. Programmatic advertising is the cousin to pay-per-click advertising. If we provide a comparative analysis between the two. Then, pay-per-click works upon buying ad spaces for clients and include human touch in the ad copy. Contrary to this, as discussed earlier programmatic advertising includes buying. Placement and optimizing the process more efficiently. As it includes using computers and algorithms.

Talking to the expert

In the support of this new invention of advertising. Vice-President of Amnet- Salil Shanker said. "Programmatic advertising has already changed the concept of media buying to audience buying. This means that it gets a better ROI for media investment. By reaching out to only relevant people with the most customized consumer journey. It has also consolidated media together. Giving advertisers a single view of their audience. And, we further move on to the future. Programmatic advertising will be the one-stop-tool for all marketer’s needs. This also includes consolidating offline media such as TV, DOOH, and Radio to regular media buys."

How does Programmatic advertising work?

It is seen that once programmatic advertising brings an ad in the marketing domain. The algorithm takes its charge to analyze on the following terms:

    • Behavior
    • Social engagement
    • Location
    • Engagement level
    • Time per visit

The data assist the system to segment the ad content according to the target audience. The ad is played as an impression on the page.

For instance, an audience reads content regarding automobiles. Or the latest car which will be rolling down soon on roads. And as the reader scrolls down. There he finds a car ad that he was thinking to purchase from quite a while now.

Thus by targeting a specific group of people. Programmatic advertising can amplify the efficiency of an ad campaign.

Voice search integration with Programmatic Advertising?

In the era of voice search optimization, you need to check everything compatible with it. Audio is different from other digital media and so it is imperative to do customization. A mixed campaign is a more efficient choice.

Digital advertising services include a larger chunk of voice search optimization. Well, voice search gets enabled at ‘position zero’. The one where Google shows the rich snippet that comes above all organic search. You can discriminate this by a portion from the 1st ranking information.

With the advancement of technology and voice search. You need to check your ad workability with the assistance of Programmatic advertising.

Benefits of using Programmatic Advertising

1. Encourage transparency and control

Programmatic advertising offers a layer of transparency. It stands against the norms of traditional advertising. Through proper transparency. The advertisers can see exactly the site their advantages are reaching. This may further include, type of customers looking at the ad. And the costs linked with the advertisement. Because of this, making optimization. And quick changes take place to educate and aware of people.

2. Real-Time measurement

Programmatic provides the ability to measure everything under one roof. This includes- targeting, people’s linking, advertising response and more. As the word suggests, programmatic advertising assures clear management. It allows the users to handle every element of advertising in a streamlined way.

This is one of the main aspects of real-time measurement. It stands against the framework of traditional marketing. The later takes time and is un-measurable.

3. Introduces greater efficiency

With a clear introduction of marketing automation. You can also check the efficiency of your campaigns. This may be including tracking of the campaign, making change and optimization as needed. Optimizing ensures that each campaign is running which will fetch results.

4. Greater targeting capabilities

With programmatic advertising, it will increase flexibility. And advertisers can able to reach their customers directly. This will include IP targeting, geological targeting, and much more. This will further include retargeting. This has much more capability to convert your visitors into customers. Because earlier your visitors have landed on your website. And they already know about your products and services. It is said that it is much easier to reach out to retargeted customers than building a new customer base.

5. Increase audience reach

Counting upon the best option of internet marketing. Programmatic advertising also improves the potential audience to reach. This includes targeting parameters that segmented a larger target audience. It can be better narrowed down which will also include ideal customers with trackable results. Clubbed with marketing automation. Programmatic advertising is the next new marketing form that you can choose.

Is Programmatic Advertising is the real future of Marketing

Well, the answer stands as yes. The traditional form of marketing which includes buying ad spaces in TV, Radio media. We will get switched with this new form of advertising.

Gone are the days, when people need to run after advertising people to display and promote their products and services. There have been many other options like Digital Marketing. It will help your business to reach new endeavors.

If you want to be better than your competitors. You need an upper hand. It will plan your product and service promotion in the right media channels. Or plan to showcase the right target audience.

Programmatic advertising will bring a new boom to the world of advertising. Now customers are the king of any market. To handle everything all on your own, you need to be smart and managed. So, let programmatic advertising help you with this.

About the Author

I'm Sumit Singh working as Confounding Solutions as Digital Marketing expert, and Confounding Solutions is one of the top-rated digital marketing company in Lucknow. At confounding solutions, we have a team of experienced and certified professionals.

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Author: Sumit Digital

Sumit Digital

Member since: Nov 25, 2019
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