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WordPress Hosting: How to choose the best and most appropriate in Pakistan.

Author: Usama Abbasi
by Usama Abbasi
Posted: Feb 28, 2020

Where to start to choose WordPress Hosting

The first thing to know when choosing a good hosting for your WordPress project is that it is not a special application, nor does it have requirements that any other tool developed in PHP + SQL may also need.

This makes it possible to operate on a wide variety of servers with different configurations, or with more or fewer resources. Hence the importance of knowing your project and your expectations well before choosing the ideal hosting.

WordPress is so versatile that even if it is the same cms, a project can differ greatly from another and its requirements in process capacity, storage capacity and projection are completely different.

Does it scare a little? Well, it shouldn't. Most hosting companies like grithx have good plans to host WordPress, and they care that the base is solid and the technology is optimized to give a correct performance, and thus, only choose based on the particularities of your project.

A big mistake when it comes to hosting a WordPress project is to leave the theme of speed only in the hands of hosting. Garrafal error, since the difference that a slightly better hosting can provide you can cancel it with for example a couple of more WordPress plugins or larger images of the account. Here comes into play one of the great assets of the hostings: technical support.

Technical support in WordPress hostings

Good hostings have a support that will help you set up your WordPress correctly and they will not stay only when the server is active. They are also usually more expensive, but certainly worth it.

Do not discard a hosting because it does not have telephone support and is based on chat or tickets since the response is quick and by specialized technicians.

What features do I have to look at when choosing the server for my WordPress?

The technical characteristics of a Managed WordPress hosting in Pakistan are those that will allow you to host a more complex, larger or more visited the website, in addition to providing certain tasks.

  • Process capacity
There is no standard measure to measure the overall process capacity, since it is a characteristic that depends on several values, the most important is, CPU and RAM, and it will be your project that will require more or less.

A newly created project, without a visual constructor and with a small level of visits will only need a basic plan to function.

However, each time we raise the values?? of certain variables, these needs will increase.

More concurrent visits, more visual complexity (sliders, transitions, animations), more functionalities (SMS and Email Marketing contact chats, eCommerce, calculators), editing aids (Composer, Elementor), or any general plugin will make us need more process capacity.

  • How do I know what process capacity I need?
A priori you can not know exactly, but for a first approximation we can look at the planned concurrent visits, since a web with few views, however, loaded it is of functionalities, will hardly saturate a server.

In the case of anticipating many visits because we have strong PPC / social campaigns in mind, it is best to hire an intermediate hosting, and above all, to have the web well optimized, since the plans can be easily extended.

  • Disk space and speed
What disk space and speed do you need? It must be enough to host the files of the CMS and its database, but this is not going to be your problem (at the moment), since the empty WordPress installation does not exceed 30MB, and a basic plan is 5GB.

This will be an important point to consider if your project will have many images, videos or downloadable files, elements that take up space. This is possible to measure in the first instance, but the projects grow, so you have to be aware of this possible need.

In the section of disk space, we can also include the access speed of these. In many plans, we will find the review "SSD disks", which refers to its servers use hard drives in the solid-state, without moving parts. These are not very different from desktop SSD disks, and the speed they offer is enormous compared to their SATA version. SSD hosting is a guarantee of speed and systems updates with Unlimited Hosting.

  • Control Panel
It is the software that will allow you to manage the characteristics of your WordPress, such as subdomains, mail, published sites, security certificates... A WordPress hosting labeled as such, in 99% of cases it will have a panel of this type, either Plesk, Cpanel, or minimum Vesta Panel.

But, important: Always check it especially in the cheapest hostings.

Look! A control panel looks like this:

  • Databases
Hosting plans usually limit the number of databases you can create and range from 1 to unlimited. Unlimited implies that you can create all that your disk space allows. For a WordPress installation, only one database is necessary, since all the plugins included Woocommerce share the same. What associated services must have a good WordPress server?

Beyond all this, you have to keep in mind:

  • Mail accounts
Also limited by the type of plan you hire, they can range from 1 to unlimited as the databases. But also how are you, the limitation is in your disk space.
  • Certificate Management
Few websites do not currently have a security certificate since, in addition to being an important element for SEO in WordPress and any CMS, the security warnings that browsers show on websites without secure browsing make the user experience detract greatly.

Therefore, the important part to keep in mind when hiring a WordPress hosting is that it allows the installation and automatic renewal of let's encrypt certificates. These certificates are free, but they affect that they expire in a few months unless they are renewed automatically.

Taking this into account is essential since some (few) hostings do not have this functionality.

  • Backups
This part can save you from an entire project to hours of work or time without web service. It is a functionality that most hostings include in their commercial offers, but you have to take into account:
  • Periodicity
How often are copies made basically? A good hosting makes daily copies, an excellent hosting makes them every 4 or 5 hours.

Backups also affect email, hence the less spaced the better.

The copies keep versions of the web for some time, maybe 10 days May 30.

eye! A copy of an empty site is empty and overwrites the correct ones. It is not unusual the case in which a website has been volatilized and nobody has noticed in several days, so many that the copies do not exist Domain.

  • Restoration
Find a hosting that allows you to restore the copies yourself, for free and as many times as you need.

It is fine to have copies, but sometimes full or partial restorations are charged, or depend on support tickets.

Make sure that within the hosting features you hire is the autonomous management of your copies.

  • Other management aids
If your chosen hosting is relatively popular, WordPress is specific, it has Cpanel and costs more than $4.99 / month, like zthosting. surely it has an FTP manager, DNS, mail forwarders, MySQL to manage databases.

This is not something that usually appears in commercial offers since it is almost taken for granted with the rest of the features. In the same way, WordPress auto-installation with one click is also usually available in these types of plans.

  • Software versions
As we said at the beginning, WordPress works based on PHP and MySQL, two elements that are updated and used in one or another version.

If your entire project is 100% upgradeable, plugins, templates and CMS version, having the latest versions available is more than enough.

There are cases in which using customizations and discontinued plugins cause that you cannot raise the PHP version of the server since it would stop working. It is not the ideal scenario but in real life it happens, and it is always good to be able to change the PHP version yourself even temporarily.

About the Author

I am working as a web developer. I am working with a hosting company. A hosting service is a service that runs Internet servers, allowing organizations and individuals to serve content to the Internet.

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Author: Usama Abbasi

Usama Abbasi

Member since: Jan 07, 2020
Published articles: 2

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