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Wedding Invitations

Author: Forever Fiances
by Forever Fiances
Posted: Feb 21, 2020

ForeverFiances has been an Eco-Friendly Stationery Since 2008. Premium quality stationery on green wedding invitations. Our green business cards and stationery are 100% biodegradable. Our offices utilize eco-friendly supplies, such as post-consumer packaging materials and energy-efficient electronic devices and ppliances. Each of our paper products is environmentally friendly.

All of our designs that you see on our website are available on our non-plantable recycled paper, which makes any invitation an affordable one!

Whether you are looking for beautiful Graduation invitations, wedding invitations, Business Thank you cards, Christmas cards, Wedding Party Favors, and rustic ForeverFiances have it all. ForeverFiances is devoted to providing excellent customer service by creating environmentally friendly paper & invitations.

wedding invitations are seen as one of the main areas of concern — after all, wedding invitations are the main things through which you can express your love, your gratitude and concern to your guests. Furthermore, they also speak a lot about the themes — rustic wedding invitations, classic wedding invitations, and green wedding invitations among many. In San Diego, California, ForeverFiances is regarded as the hub of creative and eco-friendly cards — be it invitation cards or wedding cards, they have an affordable collection of classy and regal cards suited to every needs and requirements.

Place cards are generally known to only play the role of enabling guests to know where to sit. But have you ever thought of making them a part of your unforgettable wedding? You can now do this by using seeded paper to make your wedding place cards. This means that the cards are made from paper that is laced with the seeds of flowers, plants or even herbs. This paper is 100% recyclable and can bear the kind of fonts and color of your choice without ruining the seeds. You simply request your guests to keep the cards and plant them in their gardens or flower pots at home by adding a cute note on the place card. This way, your guests are left with something to remember you by long after your wedding are over. Visit Forever Fiancés for more details on this and for more ideas on the kind of plants to lace your unique wedding place cards with.

Now imagine give your guests this gift inside your invitation for your wedding? More and more companies are coming up with unique business, holiday cards and wedding cards that can leave this effect. This is in the guise of seeded cards. You can make wedding invites and lace their paper with seeds of either your favorite flowers or plants. Leave a note on the card for your guests to plant the card after use so that they can grow a memory of you in their garden. Check out some of the renowned unique business, holiday card companies for a variety of options to match your theme. Of course it would be best to only lace your cards with seeds that can grow in your region, be it San Diego, New York, L. A. or even California.

There are many options for getting this kind of wedding invitation done. However, I have found that Forever Fiancés, a San Diego card company, does the best kind. Not only is the artwork done to perfection, they also use 100% recyclable paper that gives the card and even more natural look and feel!

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Welcome to Forever Fiances, an invitation company in San Diego.

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Author: Forever Fiances

Forever Fiances

Member since: Nov 07, 2019
Published articles: 3

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