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Why IT Companies are struggling to keep up with increasing cyberattacks

Author: Amit Roy
by Amit Roy
Posted: Feb 24, 2020

Today reports from every corner of the world says that over two-thirds of organizations security is compromised and with increase in number of the cyberattacks in last few years have stunned organizations and IT companies who are struggling to keep a pace with ever-evolving cyber-attacks mainly disrupting business, theft of financial information, destroying user’s data that resulted in less revenue, fewer sales and many more.

Now, why major IT companies and organizations can’t do anything about the evolving cyber-attacks?

Cyber-attacks instigate from multiple directions, multi-stages in an enigmatic state that only a handful of cybersecurity experts know about. Here is a broader view of what researchers have found – By looking at these following points IT managers will get to know about strengthening the cybersecurity law.

Research commission under Sophos has found over 3,100 IT managers of 12 different countries with a central message: Like a game of cat and mouse security professionals and cybercriminals shares the same place unabated so as the cybersecurity professional who are capable of minimizing the risk of security breach and help IT Infrastructure who are struggling to stay on top.

Over 68% of the reports have said that the organizations are severely hit at the time when they did not have the up-to-date attack protection measures at the time of the attacks. This, in fact, increasing at 10% every year where organizations are constantly thriving for better security while stopping attacks. By contemplating different attacks, cybersecurity services assume a breach mode in which they implement robust perimeter protection in order to safeguard the IT infrastructure.

There are many instances when security managers have to remain awake at night? It is certainly evident that the consequences of security breaches that extends to the following conditions such as:

Data loss – Cyber attacks remains an undisputed reason why IT Infrastructure faces loss in business due to uncertainties in backup, recovery procedure that extends to data loss. More than hundreds of cybersecurity attacks have cited the rise in cybersecurity attack where the cost of safeguarding the essential IT system in an Infrastructure goes beyond the average. In 2018-2019 alone the cost has increased to 61% from $229k to $369k.

Cyber-attacks usually target host computer and initiate different attacks from multiple directions. In most cases, these attack vector almost 33% of cases come close to 30% attacks. And almost 23% of attacks are caused using vulnerable software and 14% attacks are conducted using the USB sticks or coming from external sources.

Cyber-attacks generally leave no trace for the identity of the attack vector. This implies no or weak action taken against the effective response capabilities that are absent in the organizations. Whereas the prevailing software vulnerabilities remain the prime reason for the major cyber-attacks.

IT Managed services evaluate the results they get from attacks and overwhelmingly initiate a multi-prolonged approach in order to safeguard major IT Infrastructure system to minimize the risks.

This implies spam filtering, blocking pages and warnings against the click on links, email attachments are scanned using powerful antivirus also the email sources are evaluated in order to stop web-based attacks. Also, software and applications used in a computer on an IT system release patches and fixes. It is absolutely necessary for the IT system head to apply these updates in order to stop intrusion that reduces the risks of vulnerabilities. In a practical scenario, physical port restrictions are measured to deal with attacks being thrown via USB and other external devices.

About the Author

The Author is a cybersecurity specialist who spends over 20 years in a leading company. The author has vast experience in writing Cyber Security Services, Website Security, IT security consultant, etc.

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Author: Amit Roy

Amit Roy

Member since: Feb 17, 2020
Published articles: 10

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