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Factors to keep in mind when buying external hard drive

Author: Kerry Jack
by Kerry Jack
Posted: Mar 12, 2020

Whenever you are up to buying something, what’s your approach towards it? First knowing about it in detail and then taking into consideration the important factors, isn’t it? Well, that’s what we are going to do here. We will talk about hard drive and the points to consider when buying the best external hard drive. To begin with, let’s talk about what is a hard drive. It is a non-volatile data storage device. In simple terms, it’s where all the data in your computer is stored permanently. There are external hard drives and internal hard drives, while the internal resides inside the computer, external hard drives are stand alone devices bought to increase the storage space. Want to expand the memory of your computer? Yes! Below mentioned points will help you choose the right external hard drive:

1. Storage capacity

For obvious reasons this is the most important specification to take into account when buying an external drive as a storage space. Depending on your usage, you should choose the capacity of the hard drive. For instance, if you want a device only for transferring a small amount of data from one device to another or looking to expand the storage space of your low-end laptop or tablet then mid-range flash drive will suit your need the best. Hard drive with a capacity of 2TB will be too much for such a use.

2. SSD vs. HDD

The conventional storage devices or the HDDs (hard disk drive) offer large storage capacities, but now they are increasingly being replaced by the SSD (solid state drives). HDDs use spinning disks to store or read/write data. SSDs has no moving parts like HDDs and uses tiny gate transistors in cells that can flip on or off based on electric pulses. Which one to select, you ask? Well, it requires a detailed study to read the differences between the two, but if you ask us to simplify it for you, we would say that SSDs are faster than HDDs but at the same time these are also expensive. If you want to choose the best external hard drive, choose SSD except in particular circumstances.

3. Security

To save your data from getting lost or attacked by viruses, it is always better to encrypt it. While some drives are compatible with software encryption solutions, some are even better as they come with hardware encryption as well.

4. Compatibility

Hard drives are made compatible to any specific operating system before selling them off; those formatted to work with Windows 10 won’t work well with MacOS or Linux. In other words, go for the drive that matches the operating system you are using.

5. Portability

Okay… so if you are buying an external hard drive, you would want it to the best portable hard drive for you to be able to carry it anywhere with you without much hassle. Portability is of paramount importance. Choose a hard drive that’s light, small and travel friendly. Also, see that it’s located in a protective case and can easily be connected to the computer via USB or FireWire.

Now that you know what to look for in a hard drive, you can easily purchase a good one. Don’t know where to buy it from? Come to us. We, Buy4lesstoday are a company that offers quality PC components in the UK. You can come to us if you want to buy the best external hard drive/the best portable hard drive, Best PC Cases or anything like that. For more information about us, visit us at - or give us a call on - +44 0207 407 4030.

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Author: Kerry Jack

Kerry Jack

Member since: Mar 05, 2020
Published articles: 1

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