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Google Ads: What Are Google Ads & How Do They Work?

Author: Alice Perera
by Alice Perera
Posted: Jul 28, 2020

The internet is becoming more and more popular by the day, and the number of internet users around the world is growing every minute. More and more people are getting used to doing their work online, which is much more convenient and time saving, not to mention safe.

People are leading busier lifestyles now than the last decade, and this means that they look for easier ways to get those mundane jobs done, such as shopping, making appointments etc. This increasing trend in internet usage is what businesses are now learning to tap into to gain more sales and revenue. Gone are the days of traditional marketing techniques with their high budgets and slow results. The ‘in’ thing now for businesses is Digital Marketing.

To run a successful digital marketing campaign, a business should partner with a good agency, who has the professional and creative expertise to help your business grow in leaps and bounds through the processes of digital marketing. A good digital marketing agency in Melbourne will be able to boost your sales and revenue, and help you expand in no time at all, with creative and results oriented digital marketing campaigns.

When you talk about digital marketing, most people think that it is restricted to SEO, content marketing and the like, but it is not. Any good digital marketing agency in Melbourne will tell you that digital marketing reaches far beyond that, and one of the more popular digital marketing methods is paid advertising, because the business is able to target specific customers with their advertising. Customers who actually have an interest in the products and services offered by the business.

This is where Google ads come in.

What are Google Ads? These are paid advertisements offered by Google which appear in search results pages on Google search engine, and also advertisements that appear on other websites. This second type involves third-party websites which have partnered with Google to display Google ads on their site. To take advantage of the benefits of running Google Ads, you need to run a successful campaign, and to do this you need an experienced Google Ads Agency in Melbourne.

So how do Google Ads work?

Google Ads work around something called a Google Adwords auction, which focusses on keywords. Through a good Google ads agency in Melbourne, a business can select a set of keywords which they think people are likely to use to search online for their products and services. Once selected, the business places a bid on these keywords. Each bid on a keyword is based on how much the business is willing to pay for a user to click on that ad. Google will also check the quality of the advertisement and assigns it a Quality Score. Therefore, the bid combined with the quality score determines which advertisements will appear on Search Engine Results pages.

When a user clicks on the ad, the business pays a certain amount calculated according to a set formula. In other words, it is simply a way of buying traffic to your website, rather than trying to get them organically. Here is where PPC, or Pay-Per-Click is born.

If you are thinking of venturing into paid advertising it is always advisable to get yourself a good PPC Agency in Melbourne, because you will need someone experienced and competent to manage your PPC campaign and tell you if and where you are going wrong.

About the Author

I'm Jennifer Lawrance. From London, United Kingdom. I'm a freelance article writer.

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Author: Alice Perera

Alice Perera

Member since: Dec 09, 2018
Published articles: 57

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