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Pet Care: Why Do Horseflies Sit On Your Horse?

Author: Stop Buggn
by Stop Buggn
Posted: Aug 27, 2020

Wondering what makes horseflies are attracted to your horse? Don't know why your horse feels distressed by these pests? Well, there are plenty of reasons responsible for your horse's discomfort.

It is very common for a horse owner to spot horseflies or other insects on or around their pet. These flies love to irritate your pet for various reasons. However, by knowing the reasons and preventive techniques, you can safeguard the happiness of your horse.

Low-lying meadows:

Heavy-bodied horseflies are attracted to marshy, damp areas, so they can lay their eggs on those wet surfaces. The larvae need moisture for survival and hence flies have specific preferences for those meadows. If your horse lives near a wet area of a field, it is likely to get attacked by the flies more often.

The Weather Condition:

Horseflies prefer hot and sunny weather with low or almost no breeze. So, if your horse is exposed to an open or sunny climate, it can attract horseflies. Any kind of outdoor activity in the shaded area can provide relief to your horse.

Ability to Find Visual Cues:

Like many other creatures and insects, horseflies find prey visually. They find motion and dark shapes attractive for biting and sucking blood. This may be a big reason why horses with dark tones attract horseflies more than horses of light colors. This is something you cannot have control over.

Unpleasing Smells:

Flies love the smell of dirt, wound, sweat, etc. These insects find unpleasing odor desirable for spending a little more time on the surface. If you do not pay proper attention to the cleaning of your horse, it may attract more flies.

How to Protect Your Horse from Annoying Attacks of Flies?

With two other relatives - deer flies and yellow flies - horseflies become active during the summer season. The bite of a female fly comes with a lot of pain. It can also put your pet at risk of developing many skin infections.

It is not easy for you to control the biting pattern of flies or the seasons they become prevalent. However, you can tackle the problem by using a high-quality fly repellent spray for horses that come with highly effective key ingredients. It keeps your pet free from the attack of pesky pests. These are so irritating to the flies that they leave the surface immediately after landing. Repeated application of the fly spray once or twice a day is important to achieve optimal efficiency.

If you want to escape constant attacks of these pesky insects and promote the well-being of your horse, buy one of the best fly repellent sprays today. It is the best protection you can provide to your horse. To buy a highly useful and effective fly spray, visit

Stop Bugg'n organic fly spray is a blend of essential oils in an organic base. Does not leave coat oily and is safe for all your barnyard animals.

About the Author

Stop Bugg'n organic fly spray is a blend of essential oils in an organic base. Does not leave coat oily and is safe for all your barnyard animals.

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Author: Stop Buggn

Stop Buggn

Member since: Aug 24, 2020
Published articles: 2

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