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How to Store Things in a Mobile Storage Unit: A Quick Guide

Author: Simon Hopes
by Simon Hopes
Posted: Oct 27, 2020
mobile storage

Mobile storage containers are an excellent place to store your belongings temporarily. You can use them to keep bulky items during the move or go further to install one of these units in your backyard.

Mobile units can serve as a temporary storage option, which can become permanent at any time. Whatever the reason for using a mobile storage unit, you need to learn how to use it properly.

Even though you get access to formidable space, without packing your belongings correctly, you can`t take full advantage of it. This quick guide can help you fill-up the mobile storage unit in the most efficient way possible.

1. The Largest Items Should Stay in the Back

If you are moving your furniture and using a mobile container, make sure the largest pieces are stored in the back. This way you can maximize the storage space of the unit.

Try to disassemble the furniture as much as possible. It can also help make moving it easier When you take them apart, tables, dressers, and beds take up much less space. Just make sure you have instructions for putting them back together. If not, film the disassembling process on video. It can help you put the furniture back together when you arrive at the destination.

Consider stacking large items on top of each other to maximize space. Use small items to fill the gaps.

2. Wash Fabrics Before Storage

Unless you are planning to unload your mobile storage unit within days, you need to prep your belongings for a long-term stay. According to Torex Toronto mobile storage experts, this involves washing and drying all the fabrics like bed covers, clothing, linens, curtains, and more.

Dirty fabrics can cause bacteria and mold growth. They can also contribute to unpleasant odors inside the storage space, forcing you to clean other stored items. The same works for kitchen appliances.

Avoid packing fabrics into plastic bags. If you can`t prevent moisture from entering the bags, you may end up with moldy items.

3. Take Advantage of Packing Supplies

While storing different items without packing them can maximize the storage space, not using boxes could lead to damage. For small items, consider using packing materials.

Today, it`s possible to find boxes of all shapes and sizes in order to minimize lost space. These boxes can easily be stacked on top of each other or used to fill gaps between furniture.

Make sure to pack all the delicate items in boxes and label them in order to prevent damage. Keep the heaviest boxes at the bottom of the unit.

4. Make a List

Make a list of all the items you put in the storage. You can even draw a plan of where things are stored in the container. With time, you are bound to forget where some of your belongings are and spend hours rummaging through the container searching for them.

Make sure to place any items you are likely to need in the nearest future closer to the entrance of the storage unit.

5. Wrap Fragile Items

Wrapping fragile items is essential to their safety. Make sure to use the right packing materials to prevent delicate items from banging against other belongings. Even though you may be extremely careful when moving the mobile storage unit, accidents are possible.

An improperly wrapped item can suffer severe damage even if you simply go over a speed bump too quickly.

6. Label All Boxes

Besides writing down a list of items in your storage unit, make sure to label each of the boxes. You can pack belongings categorically and label them accordingly.

Consider stacking your items based on such attributes as size, function, fragility, or the room they come from.

7. Avoid Storing Dangerous Items

Storing items like gasoline, fertilizers, chemicals, paint, explosives, fireworks, and the like is not a good idea. If you are planning to keep the mobile unit in the storage facility, it`s likely to give you a list of restricted items.

However, even if you plan to keep the unit in your backyard, follow these guidelines anyway. They can prevent many unpleasant accidents.

The Takeaway

The key to successful storage is planning, packing, and labeling. By taking a smart approach to stacking your mobile storage unit, you can transport an impressive variety of items safely.

About the Author

With extensive research and study, Simon passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. His writings are unique and utterly grasping owing to his dedication in researching for distinctive topics.

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Author: Simon Hopes
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Simon Hopes

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