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Arch Supporting Flip Flops

Author: Craig Payne
by Craig Payne
Posted: May 17, 2021
flip flops

Flip flops are a category of footwear that are both good and bad for the feet. They are good for the feet when they get the foot out of tight constricting footwear into the open air, especially in the warmer climates where the lifestyle is conducive to their use. That tight constricting footwear can predispose the foot to all sorts or problems with toe deformities and pressure corns. On the other hand, they do tend to make the toes claw to help hold them on, which is not necessarily a good thing. They also expose the foot to the possibility of more trauma in that things can fall on the foot. They are not permitted to be used in many workplaces, especially industrial ones, for that reason.

The flip flops are typically used in the warmer climates where the lifestyle permits their use and they are so convenient. However, they are generally not much use to those who have foot problems that need to have the foot supports. There is no way that you can wear an arch support or foot orthotic in a flip flop as there is no way of keeping it in place. For those that are forced to wear shoes in the warmer climates because of the need to wear support in their shoes have limited options. Recently a number of brands of flip flops have come to market that have an arch support built into them as part of the construction. They are being widely used for those who like or need foot support but are on the minor end of the spectrum and do not necessarily need to wear foot supports all of the time.

One brand that is getting a lot of attention is the Archies Arch Supporting Flip Flops. They are from Australia and in Australia they call flip flops, thongs. They are a one-piece flip flop that have a tighter strap than more traditional flip flops so there is not an issue of the toes clawing to hold them on the foot. The arch that is built into them is about the same height as most of the over-the-counter arch supports that you can buy. This will make them most useful for those who need to wear a foot orthotic or arch support and for some reason have issues with using the footwear that they need to be worn in. The use of enclosed footwear for foot orthotics can be a problem in the warmer climates due to lifestyle issues and choices. These Archies were originally developed by a physiotherapist in Australia and originally sold at weekend markets. They are now mostly being sold in podiatry and physiotherapy clinics.

We sell the Archies in our clinic and are probably one of the biggest stockists of them in Melbourne. What we have found is that pretty much everyone who tries on a pair of them likes them so much that they buy them. They really are that popular and that comfortable and that well at selling themselves.

About the Author

Craig Payne is a University lecturer, runner, cynic, researcher, skeptic, forum admin, woo basher, clinician, rabble-rouser, blogger and a dad.

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Craig Payne

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