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Tech Guide to Node.js web application development with node.js development company

Author: Nettechnocrats Company
by Nettechnocrats Company
Posted: Jul 23, 2021

Introduction to Node.js Web Application Development

Today, JavaScript is omnipresent in both the browser and server & the credit goes to Node.js for making everything possible. It has always been stable having backward compatibility across most of its versions.

Node.js is a cross-platform & open-source JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Also, it allows the Node.js developers to create web servers & networking tools using JavaScript and a collection of modules that handle various core functionalities. The main idea of Node.js is to use non-blocking, event-driven I/O to remain lightweight and efficient in the face of data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

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Node.js has already proved its worth in the Internet of Things. Furthermore, this technology will remain best for the development of web-based & mobile-base backend system. It simply states that the future of Node.js is bright & this programming language is here to stay!

We Node.js web application development company have developed many Node JS projects like Chat servers, web, and mobile apps, real-time apps, video conference apps, instant-messaging, live-chat apps, and a number of server-side applications, since knowing as the best node Js development company.

In node Js development company Node.js Architecture Includes

  • Single Threaded- Node.js works on a single thread. This approach is worth considering as it avoids context switching.
  • Event Loop- The event loop allows node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations despite the single-threaded feature. A transaction passing through Node traverses a cascade of callbacks & processes the asynchronous events.
  • Non-Blocking I/O- This loop works on a single thread, but the runtime tasks are executed asynchronously on worker’s thread top that returns the result via call back to the event loop thread. This is a great non-blocking way of handling code execution.
  • Front-End Development- The front end is what is visible to the user, and he engages and performs activities. Front- End Development covers coding the UI interface, handling events, and thereby interacting with back-end server to pull data at the front-end UI side.
  • Back-End Development- The back-end is the technical work that is not visible to the user. It deals with server-side scripting and database interaction so that the data can be requested by front-end apps.

Advantages of Using Node.js Web Application

Node.js has proved itself as a game-changing technology with the following:

  • Powerful tech stack for web development
  • Developers can use JavaScript for the entire project
  • A fast environment for micro service development
  • Scalable web app development
  • Control flow features
  • Powerful data processing
  • V8 Engine

Services provided by Node.js Development Company

  • Node.JS API Development - Our developers can help you in APIs with Node JS in effectively communicating and transferring information.
  • Web/Mobile App Development - We built attractive websites with rich features using Node JS technology. - Our developers are experts in providing a website that looks amazing and we provide customize features according to the client’s need.
  • Node.JS Migration Services- we have expertise in upgrading versions or migration of any applications to Node.js by providing a smooth and hassle-less implementation process.
  • Portal Development -We deliver powerful portal that are fully customized according to our clients need and capable of handling complex business processes.
  • Node.JS Maintenance and Support- Our Node JS development company follows a positive approach when it comes to mobile app support and maintenance.
  • CMS Development- We delivers powerful CMS to fulfill our client requirements for keeping their web app relevant and updated. This can help the clients to perform data management processes easily.
  • E-commerce development- we Node JS developers have extensive knowledge about e-commerce website development and can develop the most secure and reliable e-commerce app solution for your business.
  • Node JS UI/UX Development: We provide smooth and flawless UI/UX design services which are both visually appealing & highly intuitive.
  • Performance Metrics: Node Js applications are designed keeping in mind the various performance metrics like event loop, memory leaks, business transaction, application topology, and external dependencies.

Outstanding Features of Node.js Web Application

  • High-Performance- The single threaded JavaScript runtime offers seamless network applications. Built upon Google Chrome’s V8 runtime and coded in C++, Node.js is specifically built for multiple operating systems. Both V8 and Node are updated on regular intervals with performance optimization & security patches while supporting JavaScript features.
  • Cross-Platform Development- Node.js collaboration with Electron or NW.js allows you to build cross-platform applications.
  • Real-Time Applications- An ideal fit for programs that require an event-based server or non-blocking server. The language has extraordinary features for creating real-time applications like chats and gaming apps.
  • Sharing- It becomes easy for developers to update, share or reuse codes with inbuilt NPM. Robust Node Package Manager (NPM), encourages sharing with a repository of 50,000 packages, developers manage to build effective solutions.
  • Lightweight and Scalable- The non-blockage of the thread makes the application lightweight, scalable behaving in a network-friendly manner. Node.js web application development accelerates with the V8 JavaScript engine without compromising on quality or security terms
  • Data Streaming- HTTP requests responses are considered as isolated events, but in reality, they are streaming data. You can leverage data streaming in Node.js by incorporating features like processing files when uploaded. It drastically decreases the complete processing time.
  • Micro services- Node.js have the ability to optimize the performance of any application by eliminating the unwieldy modules make it simpler to operate micro services on Node.js applications.
  • Powerful Single Codebase- It allows Node.js developers to code JavaScript server side and client side. This makes it easy to send & synchronize data between the points automatically, saving a lot of development time.


We at Node Js Development Company create efficient software solutions tailored to our clients' business goals. Our agenda is to keep our clients stay ahead of competition with proper solutions. To ensure that your business reaches a unique position we offer incredible customized app solutions to our clients. We have great technical and professionals Node Js Developers with great industry knowledge and years of expertise. We as a node js web application development company have developed many Node JS projects like Chat servers, web, and mobile apps, real-time apps, video conference apps, instant-messaging, live-chat apps, and a number of server-side applications, since knowing as the leading node Js development company.

About the Author

Nettechnocrats is a software and technology-oriented company based in India providing Website, Mobile application, custom software development and Digital Marketing Services and related challenges catering to the need of all types of businesses.

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Author: Nettechnocrats Company

Nettechnocrats Company

Member since: Mar 30, 2021
Published articles: 12

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