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4 Essential Features That Warrant PLA For Colleges To Be Important

Author: John Wren
by John Wren
Posted: Oct 15, 2014

Nursing and health assistant courses in various parts of the world are given much stress regarding the competency levels of the students. It is a necessity because of the health care at basic levels that these students would be providing in the future, when they are working in the field. Such essentialities bring forth the importance of a well-drafted course curriculum for these students. It is also necessary that the students are properly evaluated for their competency levels, which is a part and parcel of these health and nursing assistant courses, given out in the form of pre admission assessments for colleges. These assessments are necessary because of certain features that cannot be subversed or skipped.

  • Identifying the potential for courses – It is necessary to identify the potential of the prospective candidates, applying for the nursing assistant courses. For this reason, the PLA for colleges is designed to test thoroughly, the important aspects in attitude and intentions of the candidates. In nursing care, one has to be careful to remember various aspects of caregiving to the patients, along with being sympathetic towards them. There are various emergencies that one will have to attend to, which needs to be done without any hard feelings or in terms of forced work. If these characteristics in the attitude of the candidates are assessed, then it will help in grooming them towards being a compassionate health care provider.
  • Assessing the prior knowledge in medical field – When pre admission assessments for colleges are being planned, there should be test of the medical knowledge of the candidates. It helps in formulating the course structure in terms of the subjects that nursing students will have to go through. With this kind of prior learning assessment, it becomes easier to gauge the level of knowledge of the candidates, thereby making it convenient for them to learn the basics of human sciences. Hence, through the PLA tests, the colleges make sure that the students being admitted are having a basic standard knowledge about medical education.
  • Testing the feasibility to serve society – Assessors of the PLA for colleges take into consideration the capabilities of the students to serve the society in the future. Through such assessments, it becomes clear that a particular student will be able to justify the knowledge gained in the course. While the basics of such a path are put up clearly in the field, the course further solidifies their knowledge and their ability to serve the society in a better way.
  • Necessary to include theory and skill tests – Inclusion of theoretical knowledge testing and skill tests in the pre admission assessments for colleges is nowadays being stressed upon. This helps in proper test of the knowledge base and clinical skills of the candidates. In nursing courses, there is a necessity of few hours of training, which go on to suggest that the candidate has some basic knowledge to take up the course with convenience.

These days, the idea of preparing the candidates mentally and physically for the nursing assistant and home health assistant courses is fortified with the PLA for colleges in US. If someone is interested to pursue these courses, even through distance learning mode, such skills are necessary to be cultivated. It helps them in a big way in securing the admissions as well as allows them to move through the course with greater efficiency.

About the Author

John Wren provide intensive,Cna Online Courses,Pre Hire assessments,Home Health Care Assistant training,Senior care training courses online.More information visit

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Author: John Wren

John Wren

Member since: Oct 13, 2014
Published articles: 10

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