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The Flourishing Web Development Industry: A Great Career Option Too!

Author: Amit Kataria
by Amit Kataria
Posted: Sep 27, 2013

The term web development is experiencing increased popularity for years now. The growth of this industry has been happening at a rapid pace since the mid-1990's. Within a span of 10 years, the number of web development companies in the United States has risen like anything. From a meager 1, 000 web development corporations in 1995, the number increased to 30, 000 in 2005. This has happened as large organizations wish to sell their products and services using online medium as it is faster, automated and has wider reach.

A reason for the fuelling growth of this sector has been its reducing cost. While earlier it was about spending huge amounts of money to develop a single website, it can now be done even for free. With the help of free website builders, such as Google Sites etc., one can make a website free of cost depending upon the complexity and amount of content.

In terms of tools used for web development, there are some that are distributed for free like the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack. This is a sole reason for many to develop their individual websites leading to further the progress of web development industry. The easy use of WYSIWYG web development software is another reason that has led to vast growth in this sector.  Most commonly used software include Adobe Dreamweaver, Netbeans, WebDev, Microsoft Expression Studio and Adobe Flex. Learning these applications is relatively easier for professionals that leads to more productivity.

Though the knowledge of HTML or other programming languages is essential to use such software, the basics can be learnt and implemented quickly with the help of technical books, internet tutorials or face-to-face training. Nevertheless, in order to venture into this field as a professional you need to do comprehensive web development courses.

Advancements are regularly happening in the domain of web development. This domain is almost like need of the hour as all businesses are wanting to migrate to online working and promotion methods. Web development has also moved to a new phase of Internet communication. Now computer websites are no more simply tools for work or commerce but are used most for communication. Popular examples include Facebook, Twitter etc.

People who decide of qualifying as web developers have options to gain expertise in two areas - Client Side Coding and Server Side Coding.

The various specializations in the Client Side Coding include Ajax, Flash, Flash Player, Java Script, JQuery, Microsoft Silverlight, HTML5 and CSS3.

For candidates who pursue courses in Server Side Coding, options include ASP (Microsoft proprietary), CSP, Server-Side ANSI C, CGI, Lotus Domino, PHP (open source), Python, Real Studio Web Edition, Ruby, Smalltalk, and.NET and.NET MVC Frameworks (Microsoft proprietary) etc.

Undeniably, web development is a very lucrative field for planning a serious, stable and rewarding career. By now we have enough reasons to justify why!

Author Bio:

This article has been done by Amit Kataria, an experienced and skilled video editor associated with Koenig Solutions. He has been writing knowledgeable articles for the masses for quite a while now. As far as Koenig is concerned, it is a leader in the offshore IT training industry. Koenig provides options for numerous IT certifications, such as Project Management, Adobe Photoshop, Prince2 training and many more. Established in 1993, the company posses rich industry experience and delivers qualitative training with the help of its qualified staff of more than 170 trainers.

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Author: Amit Kataria

Amit Kataria

Member since: May 23, 2012
Published articles: 8

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