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ERP for Small Businesses and Midsize Companies

Author: Osswal Info
by Osswal Info
Posted: Feb 04, 2022

1. Introduction

With the increase in business growth, small businesses and midsize companies are looking for high-quality ERP software solutions to help them keep their business operations running smoothly.

The market is crowded with vendors offering different products and services. What makes us different is that we have an exceptional product. With the development of new technologies and the availability of software applications developed by our customers, we’re focusing on building a powerful and easy-to-use ERP application for their businesses.

2. What is ERP Software?

ERP is the term used for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution which allows small businesses to use a single system to manage their business and finances. It covers many features such as cash, payroll processing, tax preparation, credit card processing, inventory management, accounting, and bookkeeping. ERP software has gained in popularity in recent years as it was seen as a simpler alternative to software such as SAP and Microsoft Dynamics.

During the early 1990s, ERP was commonly known as Account Management System (AMS). But some claim that this term is now a misnomer. While the word "account" itself is still used in today's context (for example, a person's account with a bank), an AMS refers to the software suite of systems that make the business process possible - typically computerized accounting systems like Microsoft Dynamics AX or UDS from SAP.

Today we are seeing ERP becoming more of an orchestration tool for managing our business across multiple platforms. It is important for us to understand what ERP can do for us and how it can help us grow our business.

3. How an ERP can help your business

ERP software is an important tool for small and midsize business owners. Not only can it help them track income, expenses, and more, it also allows them to organize their data in a more comprehensive way than a spreadsheet or database. The key is to get the data from all your different sources — accounting software, payroll system, tax software — into one place where it can be easily analysed and used for strategic planning.

The ERP market is very competitive, with hundreds of hardware and software makers trying to make a go of things. It might seem like a bit of a waste of time, but if you’re the kind of person who wants the best thing for your business (and not just because they’re good looking), you have to spend time getting educated on what can be done in an ERP system (and there are lots of free resources out there).

You should also think about storage: how much data will you need? What data do you want to store? What types of information will you need?

Over time this process should help you analyze your data better and identify opportunities that are ripe for growth or expansion (not just in terms of revenue but in terms of customers as well). You should also find ways to keep up with your competition: what new products or services are coming out that might give you an edge over them?

Just like any other decision-making tool, it won't magically get everything right all the time; but if applied correctly, an ERP can be an effective tool for business growth.

4. How to Choose an ERP for Your Business

ERP is a topic that has been explored to death in the last few years, with many different approaches and solutions (and even some companies embracing Linux on the desktop). There are a number of software vendors that offer ERP software. What you need to know is that not all of them will solve your problems well (which is why they are separate from one another).

The following is just a very quick summary of what you need to consider during your decision-making process. It’s by no means comprehensive nor exhaustive, but it should get you started.

There are many ways to describe ERP systems. Some say ERP should be simple, others complex; some say ERP should be user-friendly or comprehensive, and others (like me) prefer to use words like "data management" or "information management" as opposed to "ERP". The point is not whether the system can be described in these terms or not; it’s about whether it makes sense for you and your company.

So what do we mean by "simple" or "complex"? Well, IT people have their own way of describing this. For example, someone might call an enterprise resource planning system "the accounting software for a small business". But when evaluating a product, we try and look at two things: firstly how easy it is for people in your organization to use the product; secondly how well designed the product is so that any changes can be addressed quickly and easily — because changes take time to make before they can affect more than just one person at your company — and thirdly how useful it is once it's out in the field shooting for ROI. From these aspects alone we should determine whether our particular case calls for an enterprise resource planning solution or not.

A question often asked by small businesses: What do I actually want from my enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution? If you are looking for simplicity, then having each element of your company's operations mapped directly into the system will make sense; if you need more than that, you may consider integrating data from multiple sources (other databases as well as applications like Salesforce) into one single application with step-by-step workflow automation so there's no need for tedious manual work on each task — this would require integration with cost tracking systems like SAP HANA and Oracle DBA products.

5. How to Select the Right ERP Software to Meet Your Needs and Budget

Businesses are in the midst of a transformation that is sweeping through industry after industry. Midsize companies and small businesses will also be affected by this new paradigm, but they have a lot more to gain than just the ability to manage their finances better.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have become the go-to solution for many companies, especially those that don’t have a strong team of accountants and financial wizards to administer it. The notion that ERP software can automate as much of your business as possible has taken hold because these systems can do so much more than simply manage your financials — it can also provide all kinds of necessary services such as payroll, accounting, human resources, and much more.

Let’s quickly break down what this means for your company:

First, ERP software can save you money. Big companies spend millions on IT departments and software development costs. A smart start-up might well spend less than a million dollars on software development (but not necessarily less than zero). And if you already have or want to buy an ERP system from an established vendor, you know how much you can expect to save — usually in the neighborhood of 50% to 75%.

Second, ERP systems provide easy access to all kinds of data needed by your business. This is especially true for small businesses; they may not have access to a fully integrated accounting system (or even an accounting department) right now — but with just one or two products that integrate with your existing software suite, you can achieve all that integration without having an IT department at all!

Third, ERP systems give you greater control over your company’s processes. In fact, many people are using ERP software today in ways that used to be reserved for enterprise software only — like automating customer service calls and time-tracking projects in real-time. You may even find yourself wanting more control over certain aspects of your enterprise such as taxation or healthcare administration (even if it isn’t something I would recommend at first), so consider investing in some custom capabilities such as security or compliance tools from third-party vendors if those areas aren’t already

6. How to determine if you’re Business Needs an ERP System and Which

I’ve already written a number of posts on ERP software, including the one below. This one is about the types you need to consider when deciding which ERP system to use. These are:

  1. Inventory management system
  2. Product management system
  3. Customer relationship management system (CRM)
  4. Bill-and-shipment system
  5. Production/sales/order tracking system (POS)
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Sap Business One

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Author: Osswal Info

Osswal Info

Member since: Jan 04, 2021
Published articles: 9

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