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Why you should improve your business website in 2022?

Author: First Point Web Design
by First Point Web Design
Posted: Feb 20, 2022

Your company's website design accomplishes a number of tasks that you may not be aware of. A well-designed website does a lot more than just look good. It has the potential to boost the performance of your company.

If you're not convinced that updating your company's website design is important, consider the following advantages. You'll most likely alter your mind and begin thinking about methods to improve your site soon.

Responsive Design Improves SERP Ranking

The value of getting to the top page of SERP results cannot be overstated. 75 percent of people will never notice your website if you don't acquire a SERP rating that places it on the first page.

Google has been penalizing websites that do not employ responsive design for years. Your website adapts to the device used by a visitor with responsive design. The design will stretch out to take use of the area when someone visits your site on a desktop computer with a huge screen. When someone visits your site on a Smartphone with a small screen, the design priorities the most important aspects to make it easier for them to browse your pages and get the information they're looking for.

If you haven't already, make the transition to a responsive website design.

Website Design Can Affect Bounce Rate

Increasing website traffic is only useful if visitors stay on your pages for a long time. The longer people stay on your site, the more money you can make through advertising and ecommerce. Obviously, you don't want your bound rate to be too high. But there's more to it than that. You should also try to increase the average time on page because it indicates that people are interested in interacting with your material.

The length of time consumers spend on your website can be influenced by its design. Visitors will stay on your website if the navigation makes it easy for them to find the information or products they are looking for. If your navigation menu is cumbersome and confusing, customers will leave to discover a better option.

Improving navigation is one design method that can help you boost the average time spent on a page. Other options include:

  • including interactive components to keep visitors interested.
  • Using brief paragraphs to allow readers to quickly skim over text.
  • Publishing videos that provide useful information in a fun way.
  • Only using pop-ups when absolutely essential.
  • Including product photographs so customers can see what they're buying.
  • Keeping your visitors grounded by using the same color scheme throughout all of your sites.

It's possible that you'll need to construct numerous versions of your website before settling on the best design. Your time and work are well worth it, given the possible rewards.

Optimized Website Design Has Better Conversion

People who use the internet are aware of the importance of avoiding scammers that attempt to steal credit card numbers, names, and other personal information. When customers come across a website with a shoddy, amateurish design, they will swiftly leave. Smart individuals avoid purchasing things from unprofessional-looking websites.

Visitors are more inclined to buy things from your business if your website has a pleasing design. In the second quarter of 2020, shoppers spent $191.5 billion online, accounting for 17.2 percent of total retail sales. You won't have as many opportunities to gain from those purchases if the design isn't great.

Do you have trouble coming up with website design that convert more visitors? Collaboration with your team can help you better your designs. Use a real-time collaboration platform like UXPin for design and prototyping. You may also distribute links to stakeholders that do not have an account with UXPin. They can use the links to look over your prototypes and provide you with useful input.

You'll get better at building websites that convert more visitors as you learn more about the design characteristics that people prefer.

Optimized Website Design Makes Adding Pages Easier

As your company expands, you'll need to expand the number of pages on your website. When you have a consistent design throughout your site, the process becomes lot easier. You can reuse your existing pages as a template for fresh material instead of creating new ones. You've now boosted your brand recognition, increased the size of your website, and saved time.

Create a design system that stores all of your approved design elements to save even more time. Rather than looking for the color scheme, icon, or text type you used on previous pages, you consult the design system. You should be able to find whatever you require. All you have to do now is add the items, blog entries, or other information that you wish to publish.

Bottom Line

It's easy to overlook the significance of a company's website design. However, if you understand the advantages, you'll see why it's worthwhile to invest a little extra time in creating a site that will impress visitors. It has the potential to make your company more successful in the long run.

About the Author

Sachin Kumar is Sr. web developer and has 5+ years of experience in the industry.

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Author: First Point Web Design

First Point Web Design

Member since: Feb 16, 2022
Published articles: 3

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