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5 Things To Keep in Mind When Encouraging Your Loved One for Counseling

Author: Somiya Wake
by Somiya Wake
Posted: Feb 25, 2022

This is very unfortunate that even today, in this age of increasing digitalization, a societal stigma related to mental health issues still exists in India. Hence, encouraging someone you care about for psychotherapy or counseling related to emotional wellbeing can be an uphill task. It may be very challenging to figure out exactly how to help them by encouraging counseling.

First of all, it is needed to figure out whether they need help or not. Find some warning signs. It can be prolonged outbursts, anxiety, behavioral changes, and changes in appearance, weight, and personal hygiene. These are good triggers or symptoms to find out if they need help.

Here are some tips to help you approach and encourage your loved one to meet a counselor or psychotherapist.

  1. Approach with Empathy

Be refined in your approach when opening up the doors for meaningful conversations. Ask about their feelings, and let them open their heart out to you. Listen very patiently without any judgment or interruption. Give them a comfort zone around you.

Tell them that you want to have an important conversation. Approach with empathy like you already knows that this is hard for them and you are talking to them as you love them. And you can tell them that you are concerned and care for them.

At the time of your first talk, it may seem to be crucial. Try to have an honest talk it maybe during an evening walk or when watching a movie at home. Ensure that the environment is comfortable and relaxed for both of you.

  1. Tell them It’s not a Big deal and will help in finding a solution

As already mentioned due to the social stigma that is attached to mental health problems and counseling, it is necessary to make your closed one understand that it is fine to discuss the problems to seek help for the same.

The stigma attached to mental health counseling, and the thought of being judged negatively, may stop them from opening up. Deal with this by saying that like any other medical condition, such cases are very common and it is good to seek help. Show them your support and make sure that you are always there for them.

During the discussion, hear attentively and observe their emotions. This will surely help in staying connected to them. You may also ask them to go for an evaluation if the thought of counseling sessions freaks them out.

  1. Anonymous and Confidential

More often, people seem unwilling to seek help from a counselor because of the misconceptions attached to mental health counseling.

So without any hesitations gently bring up the matter on several occasions. Sometimes, people may need to hear it from different persons around them to understand the seriousness of the situation.

Before you start it, this is necessary to educate yourself about their condition and what they are going through. Confrontational counseling is a traditional way of counseling that brings good results for many, but your closed might not feel comfortable in a face to face counseling.

So you may also consider online counseling as an option if they have major concerns and are not ready for direct traditional counseling. Simplify the procedure by classifying a professional counselor and arranging an appointment. Also, offer to accompany them when going to the counselor.

  1. Get Prepared

Get prepared for your loved one who may get upset but does not get defensive. They may seem unwilling to get professional help and may respond angrily. But do not get affected by it. Think of the person who means a lot to you and that all you want for them is to heal.

Seek help from friends, family, if required psychologists.

  1. Potential Consequence

Try to convince your loved ones that their life will get better if they take professional help. Explain to them how counseling works for a patient and discuss personal problems, emotions, and feelings in a trustworthy, confidential, and safe environment.

Counseling delivers a greater vision for heightened self-acceptance, self-understanding, independence, improved relationships, high self-esteem, and a healthier outlook on your life. Make sure you explain to them about all of this, as it will help them recognize their needs, and take responsibility. This way your loved one would learn to love, live and involve fully with life. So, convince them that counseling is needed to take them towards the positive side of life, the one they dreamt of living.

The most important thing for your loved ones is your support, and for you to not disappoint them. Be there for them always all through their worst. Do not leave them alone until they heal.

About the Author

I am therapy specialist, and working with BetterLyf Wellness Pvt. Ltd. provides online counseling platform to people struggling with mental health disorders.

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Author: Somiya Wake

Somiya Wake

Member since: Aug 02, 2021
Published articles: 7

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