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What was the reason Russia invaded Ukraine?

Author: Visaoperations Blogs
by Visaoperations Blogs
Posted: Feb 28, 2022

What was the reason Russia invaded Ukraine?

Russia has struck Ukraine as if it was the first sign of conflict in Europe in response to Russia's demands to end NATO's expansion to the east.

Origins of the Conflict :

  1. Although there was tension among Russia and Ukraine which was a former Soviet republic for a long period the tensions began to get out of control by the beginning of 2021. In January, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy requested US president Joe Biden to let Ukraine become a member of NATO.
  2. This was a source of anger for Russia began sending troops close to the Ukraine border to conduct "training activities" in the spring of 2013 and increased it in autumn. By the end of December, the US began to hype the deployment of Russian troops, and president Biden advised of harsh sanctions should Russia were to invade Ukraine.
  3. Russia demands that the West provides a legally binding assurance to ensure that NATO will not conduct any military activities in the eastern part of Europe or Ukraine. Vladimir Putin claims Ukraine is an instrument of the West and never was an actual state.
  4. This isn't the only time that tensions in the region between Russia and Ukraine have been at a high point. Russia has invaded Ukraine in 2014 after rebels supported by President Putin took over large swaths of easterly Ukraine and have been fighting the Ukrainian army ever since. In 2014, Russia had annexed Crimea.
  5. As an ex-Soviet republic, Ukraine has strong cultural and social ties with Russia, and Russian is spoken widely in the country However, ever since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, those relations have become strained.
  6. Russia has attacked Ukraine as its pro-Russian President was removed in early 2014. The conflict in eastern Ukraine has claimed over 14,000 dead.
  7. Russia and Ukraine have agreed to sign the Minsk peace agreement to stop the conflict that is raging in eastern Ukraine and in the Donbas region. As the conflict persists, Russia says it is sending "peacekeepers" to the region in which the conflict is still brewing. The West refers to it as a smokescreen used by Moscow to take over the sovereign territory.
  8. The current tension that has been brewing between Russia and Ukraine and Ukraine, which borders with the European Union, has repercussions for the EU. That's the reason the EU which is the majority of which are NATO members, have joined within with the US to announce sanctions towards Russian entities.
  9. In the last few days, French President Emmanuel Macron flew to Moscow for talks with Putin. Putin to ease tensions.
  10. India has demanded an end to the current conflict that is brewing between Russia as well as Ukraine.
About the Author

Visaoperations is a traveling consultant.

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Author: Visaoperations Blogs

Visaoperations Blogs

Member since: Feb 24, 2022
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