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Where would you settle down in RuneScape?

Posted: Apr 01, 2022
If you're arriving at Gielinor it's likely that you're going by the World Gate. There isn't anything ridiculously dangerous between there and Ardougne. There is nothing to be worried about is hobgoblins, but you can stay clear of them by first stepping out towards those gates that lead to Buy RS Gold the Tree Gnome Stronghold as well following the fenceline of the apple orchard. From there it's an easy walk to Ardy with no creatures.
Once in Ardy there is a chance to be able to find a low-paying job in the marketplace in order to save up enough for a boat trip to Taverley. Personally, I'd prefer Catherby over Taverley because a seaside farming or fishing village is an ideal place to settle down at. The fishy smell can be avoided by moving inland near the farming area. Remember that scale theory is a thing and in a real-life Gielinor would be plenty of space between the agricultural areas in Catherby and the coastline of Catherby.
It's always an easy boat ride to Taverley to see the Druids and stock up on your "herb" items. Catherby is also a great place to gain entry into the Kandarin region in general, without needing to cross White Wolf Mountain or needing to pay for an excursion every time. There are more options and better opportunities if you are able to easily access the whole Kandarin region.
Catherby will also be safer since Taverley is located in a dangerous places like an active warzone and a dungeon brimming with dangersome creatures, a mountain with deadly wolves on it villages populated by goblins and a temple full of crazy religious fanatics. If you are forced to flee the town, your choices are restricted.
Catherby but is protected that same mountain that traps Taverley within. Catherby has no massive threats close by to be concerned about. The only threat could be the knights who escaped and the sorceress who is in charge at Keep Le Faye but their beef are with Camelot and King Arthur and not with Catherby.
Most importantly, the safest and most relaxing way of life is to become wealthy and live as an upper-class citizen living in any of the main cities. East Ardougne or Falador would probably be the best options for you, however Varrock could be a good option so long that you do not go into the less shady areas of the city. The hardest part is getting rich. part, but I believe the best chance to achieve it is in Kandarin because it's the least hazardous of the three major human kingdoms.
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