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Why Use Angular For Web Development in 2022: Top Features & Benefits

Author: Amy Brumby
by Amy Brumby
Posted: Apr 04, 2022
What is Angular and what makes it a prominent framework to consider in 2022

Angular, the open-source front-end framework, is gaining serious traction and admiration from developers and businesses worldwide. Why? It considers the modern business requirements and is explicitly built by keeping them in mind.

As a result, it has claimed significant dominance as the most established name in the world of front-end JavaScript frameworks.

Angular eradicates the problem of additional code which developers generally have to write, and it accomplishes this by benefitting from the dependency injection and data binding.

But, what makes Angular stand out from the rest?

Above all its benefits, while it's not entirely different from the other frameworks, it's super easy to get your hands on, streamlining the development process for good.

Angular incorporates all website details that users will notice, identify, and resonate with, like navigation menus, artistic graphics, live animations, etc. It makes it a superior choice for developers and designers. But a lot more is there to comprehend when choosing your best framework. Thus we've mentioned the seven key reasons why Angular will be your best friend in 2022!

1. Code Consistency and Reusability

What makes code consistency a powerful ingredient for a robust code? Code consistency peaks out load while we ask this!

It makes the base for a code to run successfully since inconsistency in code results in delayed product prototypes and product launches. The documentation styles guide for Angular and the CLI (command-line interface) efficiently drive consistencies.

Consistent coding comes with its own advantages, such as predefined snippets and templates.

Additionally, the component-based structure of Angular makes it favorably reusable, which streamlines the development process.

2. Maintainability

The use of angular sustains perfect code maintainability in different ways. The angular packages are updated while transitioning from one place to another.

It explains that HTTP, Angular Material, and routings are also included. In addition to that, Angular provides the benefit of decoupling or replacing the ingredients with enhanced executions and performances.

3. Backed by Google and its Excellent Community Support

Since AngularJS has been developed and upheld by the tech giant Google, it comes with robust community support from Google itself and other developers worldwide.

Furthermore, the association with google makes angular one of the most trustworthy application development frameworks.

The toolkit from google gives developers the freedom to experiment and highlight their uniqueness in creating user-friendly applications. And on the same angularJS came with the notion of giving developers a chance to be a part of the extensive open-source community and connect with brilliant engineers to elucidate their problems.

AngularJS was created because most application developers started using CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5 as front-end and back-end languages.

In addition, there are several online resources and different books available in the market on AngularJS.

4. Two-Way Data Binding

The two-way data binding component of Angular facilitates the automatic view update when the data in the model changes and vice versa. This way, Angular takes care of the shifting variables which developers and engineers don't have to keep account or track for. With two-way binding, Angular doesn't let the developers manage the state of all the variables themselves. It addresses that part while the team invests their time in development and testing. Therefore for building large applications, Angular makes for an excellent choice.

5. Angular Material

Angular Material is a variety of well-tested and ready-to-use components that pursue Google material design principles. It also includes UI components such as navigation, indicators, patterns, and form controls.

Angular materials acclimate distinct components that suit multiple freshly documented browsers and are written based on new guidelines.

This allows the developers to experiment with added features and components, streamlining the design workflow. And thus, the designing process works out without major costly bumps.

6. MVC Architecture Implementation

Another essential fact about Angular is that it contains MVC architecture. This model view controller architecture esteems the framework while making a client-side app. Furthermore, it also forms the basis for data binding. Implementing this architecture can separate the app logic form from the UI layer. MVC Architecture gains app requirements which are required for the development of any model or any kind of data for the app.

7. Faster Development

Angular, with the help of the MVC architecture and two-way data binding, makes for a prominent option for projects and applications that primarily require development speed.

Thus it's easy to use and comprehend, which makes it admiringly fast and streamlines the coding process entirely.

Thus projects with deadlines and quick website releases work best with Angular since teams can accomplish the project completion rapidly.

Wrapping Up!

Angular is rocking the center stage for what all it has for its users to follow and experiment with. It's a feature risk for all developers and several tech giants are already considering it for their internal projects. While we’ve mentioned the best picks on why you should consider Angular in 2022, we’d love to hear what our developers community have to say about Angular and its advancement in 2022. What else do you think Angular has made a prominent mark on? Let us know in the comments.

About the Author

I am a content marketer and a poet at heart. I am full of story ideas and often give colleagues ideas because I have more topics to write about than hours in the day.

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Author: Amy Brumby

Amy Brumby

Member since: May 26, 2021
Published articles: 2

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