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Benefits of Owning a Burglar Alarm for Business

Author: Angela Ash
by Angela Ash
Posted: Jun 17, 2022
burglar alarms

Burglar alarms work by sounding an alarm when unexpected movement is sensed inside, or on your property. These systems contain lots of sensors and can alert you if a potential intruder is on your property.

Why Do You Need a Burglar Alarm?

There are some frightening statistics regarding burglaries in the UK:

  • In the UK, it was reported over 267,000 burglaries happened in 2021, this statistic is increasing daily, due to the number of homes without any home security systems in place.
  • A burglary takes place every 106 seconds.
  • 64% of burglaries happen whilst someone is on the property.
  • The average cost of a burglary is roughly £3,030 and a third of that is to help victims suffering from emotional distress.
  • One in 43 houses is likely to be burgled.

Due to the Pandemic in 2019, burglaries dropped vastly because everyone was forced to stay indoors. Therefore, this meant many burglaries had dropped by 30%, but it still didn’t prevent burglaries from happening.

However, in 2021, April and July saw the most burglaries, with an estimated 68,000 burglaries. In London every year, over £181 million of goods are stolen from homes. North Finchley and Balham boroughs had the highest rate of burglaries, with 34 incidents, happening every 1000 households. Burglars usually steal over £2.8k worth of goods, but sadly for many homes in the UK, debt is common and a growing problem.

Larger corporations are also more likely to be targeted because of any expensive equipment that may be on the premises, which makes them a major target. The manufacturing industry suffers the most from robberies.

Are Burglar Alarms Worth it?

Firstly, installing an alarm with a visible presence will discourage thieves, preventing burglary from taking place. If a criminal was to break in, whether through a door or window, the alarm would be automatically triggered, letting off a loud shriek alerting the homeowners and every house close to you. This acts as an excellent deterrent to thieves as the risk of getting caught is too high.

Burglar alarms can provide peace of mind when you’re away from your business or home. As most burglars tend to strike in the middle of the night or early morning, this is where your property is most at risk. Numerous businesses cannot afford a security team to be on patrol 24/7, which is why burglar alarms are great to provide protection and will deter thieves.

Owning a burglar alarm can also reduce insurance premiums. Installing a burglar alarm in your workplace or home helps to reduce excepted insurance premiums. This is because the insurance company can see you’re taking preventative measures to protect your property and have proof if anything was to happen.

Lastly, alarms can help apprehend criminals a lot faster. When the alarm is triggered, this alerts everyone in the vicinity, increasing the chance of the burglar getting caught quicker. For businesses, especially bigger businesses with larger buildings, a burglar alarm helps to keep your staff safe as well. In the long run, installing a burglar alarm decreases the chance of your home or business premises being burgled.

The Ajax wireless alarm is one of the newest smart home security products, available on the market today. The ajax alarm has many features, including window break detection, it’s no doubt many homeowners feel safer in their homes with the ajax alarm.

Ultimately, burglars will rarely target homes with an alarm system in place. This is because the chance of getting caught is more likely, so they’ll avoid homes with alarms or any type of home security.

About the Author

Angela Ash is an expert writer, editor and marketer, with a unique voice and expert knowledge. She focuses on topics related to remote work, freelancing, entrepreneurship and more.

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Author: Angela Ash
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Angela Ash

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