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End to End Software Testing Live Project Training

Author: Qedge Technologies
by Qedge Technologies
Posted: Oct 03, 2022

We get numerous inquiries from our per user to share our experience on the correct programming testing process followed by the product testing groups. So we chose to report this entire STLC with the assistance of an example live application project which is accessible to test on the Internet and write a test scenario.

We will utilize this live undertaking for our product testing preparation arrangement. We emphatically prescribe you to nearly take after this arrangement as it will be an intensive lesson to learn and execute testing rehearses on a live application.

Programming Testing Training on Live Project – What is it?

Before we go any further, let me pause for a minute to clarify what this product testing course arrangement is about and how it will come to fruition as we push ahead.

We picked a live application (whose points of interest are underneath) and begin with:

SRS survey

writing test situations

Test arranging

Test case plan

Test information distinguishing proof

Test execution

Defect administration

Status announcing

Metric accumulation

Fundamentally, everything that we would regularly do

Best Software Testing tools Training in a continuous programming testing venture – with ongoing precedents, ancient rarities, and expectations all made all the while.

How to take this product testing course arrangement?

Step#1: Introduction and SRS Walkthrough – We will begin this smaller-than-usual programming testing course with an SRS walkthrough. We have made and shared an example SRS record. Experience it as every further advance rely upon your comprehension of this application.

Step #2: SRS survey and test situation arrangement.

Step #3: Test Plan – finish the procedure of making a test plan from the scratch. The last test plan adaptation will be imparted to you for reference.

Step #4: Test Cases – finish the test cases composing process with some example test cases. We may utilize any test administration instrument or spreadsheet for composting experiments.

Step #5: Application walkthrough and test execution – how to execute test cases and record the test outcomes.

Steps #6: Defect revealing

Step #7: Defect check, the relapsing testing process

Steps #8: QA Sign-off

The goal is to give all of you a vibe of ongoing undertaking background and skill. We trust you discover this arrangement valuable.

Prologue to the application that we will utilize further:

Customer: Orange

Application: OrangeHRM demo.

Specialist co-op:

Venture portrayal: Orange needs to make a business HR administration item that can be devoured and redone by medium estimated organizations situated in Best Testing Tools Training Institute For Training Placement a solitary nation and all around. It has 2 adaptations: Professional and Enterprise.

The highlights include:

Personal Information Management

Advanced Leave Management

Time and Attendance Tracking

Employee Performance Management


Advanced Reporting

Country/Location Based Employee Management

Localized Leave Rules

Configurable Workflows

Platinum Support

Country/Location Based Reporting

Custom Reporting

At the point when a client or an entrepreneur has a need to wander into the online world or make reports on the effectively existing website or application, the need is a business issue and the product is a bit of code that is intended to take care of this business issue.

A client at that point approaches a product specialist organization to make this product a reality for them. That is the point at which the product venture origin starts.

A customary cascade venture (SDLC) has the accompanying stages:

As QAs we as a whole realize that despite the fact that "Test" is stage 5 of this stream, it isn't the main place we analyzers assume a conspicuous job.

Also, testing is a responsive activity. With no code/application prepared to test we can't generally 'test' anything. Keeping in mind the end goal to be prepared and respond in the most effective way that is available we attempt as much as we can to prepare. In this way, despite the fact that stage 5 is for trying, our exercises begin route ahead.

Quickly this is the thing that occurs in each stage:


Once the maker and the client concede to terms – the product generation starts.

In this stage, business prerequisites are accumulated and investigated. The examination will include the choices on mechanical contemplations, equipment and programming determinations, individuals, exertion, time, significance, and changes among others.

Business examiners, Project Managers, and customer delegates are engaged with this progression.

At the finish of this progression and fundamental undertaking, the plan is readied.

Project particular archives like extension reports as well as business prerequisites are made.

QA Training in Hyderabad association at this stage is normally not out of the ordinary. (This is a slight deviation from what it ought to be on the grounds that to distinguish issues from the get-go in the formative stages, it is best to include the QA ideal from the earliest starting point.)


The business necessities settled are the contributions to this progression.

This stage includes the interpretation of business prerequisites into useful necessities for the product. For instance: if the business prerequisite is to enable a client to purchase something from a site. Developers, Business Analysts, and Project Managers are associated with this stage

The yield of this stage is a point-by-point report containing the utilitarian necessities of the product. This record is alluded to by numerous names – Software Requirement Specification (SRS), Functional necessities report (FRD), or Functional prerequisites particular (FRS).

This is the place the QA group gets included – after the culmination of SRS documentation.

While the conclusion on practical prerequisites and the documentation of the SRS is going on, the QA administrator/lead is included to draft an underlying adaptation of the test plan and shape a QA group.

The QA group's contribution will be at one time the SRS is reported.

At this stage, either the advancement group or the business examiner or once in a while even the QA foreman will give a walkthrough of the SRS to the QA group.

In the instance of another venture, an exhaustive walkthrough as a gathering or meeting works best

For the instance of later discharges for a current task, a report is sent by means of email or arrangement in a typical store to the QA group. QA group now would read/audit it disconnected and comprehend the framework completely.

Since the essential target group of onlookers for the SRS report isn't simply analyzers, not every last bit of it is helpful for us. We analyzers ought to be steady enough while looking into this record to choose what parts of it are helpful for us and what parts of it are definitely not.

SRS Document for this Live Project

An example SRS archive is appended to this post to give you a thought on how this report resembles, the organization in which it is composed, what sort of data it contains, and so forth. In the following article, we will get into how this record is devoured by the QA group to continue to assist in our testing ventures.


In this article, we acquainted you with the product improvement and testing process. We additionally shared an example SRS archive for the live task that we will test.

About the Author

The Software Testing Tools Training Institute in Hyderabad for IT courses is In QEdge Technologies. We offer courses on Software Testing, Manual Testing, AWS DevOps Training Automation Selenium, Python Full Stack Developer Course, and so on. Highly Talented With 15+ Years Experienced as Mentor.100% Job Assistance.

About the Author

I'm the Trainer and Founder of the institute.

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Author: Qedge Technologies

Qedge Technologies

Member since: Jul 06, 2022
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