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Security Testing Training in Chennai | BITA Academy

Author: Bita Academy
by Bita Academy
Posted: Oct 31, 2022

Are you interested in mastering Security Testing? Join Security Testing Training in Chennai Bitaacademy.100percentage placement.

Do you want job-oriented Security Testing Training in Chennai? BITA Academy provides Security Testing Training in Chennai to help testing professionals learn the tricks and best practices for performing security testing in web apps. The realistic training courses will show you everything from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. Our mentor will teach HTTP basics, workflow, security testing, session management, and other topics. This course will provide you with an overview of web app security testing. It is a type of software testing that ensures apps are free of threats and risks that could result in significant losses. The course will teach students how to think like a security engineer when creating and executing a security test plan.

  • Work with a team to identify their test requirements, such as the number and type of systems to be tested.
  • Prepare penetration methods, scripts, and tests.
  • Perform remote testing of a client’s network or on-site infrastructure to identify security flaws.
  • Modeling data breaches to evaluate a system’s overall security.
  • Generate reports and recommendations based on your findings, including the security issues discovered and the level of risk.
  • In addition to identifying problems, you may offer advice on minimizing risks and methods for fixing or lowering security risks in systems.
  • Inform management and relevant parties about your findings, risks, and conclusions.
  • Acknowledge that flaws you discover may impact a business or a business function if they are not addressed.
Syllabus of Security Testing

PART 1: An Overview of Security Testing

  • Why is Security important in web app?
  • How to set up web app Platforms?
  • Deep Dive on Burp Suite

PART 2: HTTP Basis

  • What do you know about HTTP protocol?
  • HTTP headers and methods
  • What do you know about HTTP response codes?
  • How to attack HTTP basic and digest authentication?
  • Do you know to Conduct a brute force attack?

PART 3: WorkFlow

  • Do you know to Analyze the attack surface?
  • How to gather information?
  • Do you know to find hidden URLs?
  • Deep Dive on App workflow

Part 4: Deep Dive on Security Testing Concepts

  • How to bypass client side controls?
  • Deep Dive on SQL Injection
  • What is Cross-site scripting (xss)?
  • Different Types of Cross Site Scripting – Reflected, Stored and DOM based
  • What do you know about HTML injection?
  • What do you know about Broken authentication?
  • Session Management
  • What is Cross-site request forgery (csrf)?
  • Deep Dive on Insufficient transport layer protection
  • Unvalidated redirects and forwards
  • What do you know about Cross origin resource sharing?
  • Deep Dive on Local file inclusion vulnerability
  • Insecure direct object references
  • Do you know about HTTP response split?

PART 5: More about Session Management

  • How to Attack session management?
  • What do you know about HTTP response header injection?
  • Deep Dive on Improper exception handling
  • How to Perform Server side validation?
  • Chaining XSS with other attacks
  • How to target reset password?
  • Do you know to target feedback functionality?
  • Business logic flaws
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Author: Bita Academy

Bita Academy

Member since: Jul 31, 2022
Published articles: 7

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