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The Night of Power – Laylat-ul-Qadr

Author: Karaman Togai
by Karaman Togai
Posted: Dec 02, 2022

The benefits of a thousand months may be triggered in a single evening on the Sacred Night of Laylat-ul-Qadr, also known as the Night of Power, Night of Declaration, and Night of Destiny. Good deeds done tonight will pay dividends for a year and a thousand months. It is claimed that the Holy Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on this night, connecting the Night of Power and the Revelations. Therefore, it is stated that our fate for the next year is decided on this night. As a result, everyone should maximise their benefit from this momentous event. One way is to spend this night praying in Masjid Al Haram by booking our full Cheap umrah packages birmingham.

Hadith authority is at its peak on the night of Laylat-ul-Qadr. Thus, the quotations from the Night of Power and Revelations should be taken carefully and adhered to. All Muslims may turn to Hadith as an important source of direction on the Night of Power.Many people consider this night Laylat-ul-Qadr since it falls during the last week of Ramadan. During this month, Muslims worldwide observe the Five Islamic Pillars by abstaining from sin and fasting during the day.

Taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible on this night of good fortune is the best way to increase your fortune and benefits. We've listed a few of them below:

Holy Quran recitation

Many of us recite the Holy Qur'an throughout Ramadan and the year without fully understanding its meaning. Don't miss the opportunity to better understand the Holy Qur'an by spending some time tonight translating its meaning. This is the night the first words of guidance were revealed.


On this night, it is permissible to beg Allah (SWT) for anything you want, so long as you make as many Duas as you can for other people and seek forgiveness from Allah for your own faults.

Give to a Good Cause

The sacred month of Ramadan is when people are urged to give to others because of the enormous rewards they get from Allah (SWT). If you think the benefits of charity this month are tremendous, wait till you give on the night of Laylatul Qadr.Give as much as possible on this holy evening, whether it's your time, money, Zakat, or Sadaqah Jariyah, for a loved one who has passed away. Giving someone a drink of water or even smiling at them is considered a huge act of generosity in Islam.


Invest as much time as feasible in prayer and worship with your dear ones throughout Ramadan since doing so will help bring peace and harmony to Islam. Gather for Suhoor and Iftar at the mosque with loved ones and pray next to one another.

Set aside your time

Today, we take several days off from work and other responsibilities to celebrate and commemorate life's most meaningful moments and celebrations. Taking the entire day to worship, seek atonement, and give thanks to Allah for the privilege itself is far and away more essential than any earthly commitment we might make on this night.

Make sure to I'tikaaf

How to worship on Laylat-ul-Qadr may be gleaned from the Prophet Muhammed's (PBUH) practice of doing I'tikaaf on the last ten days of the Holy Month. Continuous prayer and Dhikr in the Masjid for a long time without leaving is known as I'tikaaf.


You should spend as much of the night of Laylat-ul-Qadr as possible in ibaadah in the Mosque, saying Dua and seeking forgiveness if you were unable to do I'tikaaf over the previous 10 nights. Tasbih prayers and the prescribed Amaal for Laylat-ul-Qadr should be said throughout the night, coupled with recitations of the Holy Qur'an and supplications (as specified above). Investing this night in prayer in either the Holy Mosque in Makkah or the Holy Mosque in Medina is also highly recommended. cheap umrah packages 2023 uk from Manchester should be your top choice if you plan to spend this night in any of these holiest cities on the face of the earth.

A chance to think about yourself

You should use the Night of Power as an opportunity for introspection. Recognize the areas where you believe you might do better, keep in mind that you are not flawless, and become your worst critic. You might also use this evening to think about your goals for the following year, both short-term and long-term. Make a pact with Allah to worship Him more often, and do it with a pure heart, and He will reward you abundantly (SWT).Remember, brothers and sisters, how important it is that you get the most out of the benefits on this momentous evening. As a result, you should refrain from doing meaningless things in favour of praying and reaping benefits.

About the Author

I am a professional writer and write about the Islamic knowledge and Shariah of Holy Prophet Pbuh. And I am specialist in the Hajj and Umrah Travel Blog posts.

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Author: Karaman Togai

Karaman Togai

Member since: Nov 29, 2022
Published articles: 1

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