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Is Painless Hair Transplant A Myth

Author: Chetna Sharma
by Chetna Sharma
Posted: Jan 06, 2023

A common trend we have noticed in the market is that whenever there is any new remedy, people contemplate a lot about the same. When it comes to the domain of hair transplant in Kolkata, consequently, there have been a lot of doubts about whether the process is safe and whether one can do it in a painless program. The most important thing in this respect is that when hair transplant as a medical procedure started in the year 1950, there was not much exposure.

Consequently, the medical procedure that it included did not have any painless method attached to it. At the same time, this leads to a conception among people that when it comes to the domain of hair transplant, the same involves a lot of pain. Not only that, but because there are stitches involved in some of the methods, it can lead to a very complicated recovery process.

But what if we now tell you that you can get rid of all these, and we will be able to provide you with the most comprehensive procedure of painless hair transplant in Kolkata? Yes, you read it right. For any of you who think a painless hair transplant is a myth, thankfully, it is not the case! But before that, you need to have a brief idea of what the hair transplant process includes so that you can understand how a painless hair transplant procedure works.

How Do the Hair Transplant Procedures Work?

The hair transplant process is a surgical method that ensures that the healthy growing hair follicles from a certain part of your body are grafted to the areas where there is pertinent hair loss. The entire process is usually done under the observation of supervision and is no less than any other medical procedure, which requires a lot of expertise and professionalism. Hair transplantation is one of the most comprehensive procedures, and hence if you want painless options, we have covered Dr Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions.

The major misconception among many people is that because skin grafting is involved, the process might not be that safe, or there is a lot of pain involved. However, this is not the truth, so we have consistently worked to make a painless treatment possible. The precision of this procedure is par excellence; hence, all you need to do is get in touch with us and get an appointment.

The Painless Hair Transplantation Solution From Dr Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions

As you can understand, the hair transplant process is one of the most coveted services we provide at Dr Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions. Why so? The most prized technology that we have brought forth is none other than the DentaPen, and it is one of the most promising technical features that you will see at hand. The DentaPen is used for all our hair transplant procedures; consequently, the precision is at its peak while the intensity of the pain is next to nothing.

Working Mechanism of the DentaPen for Painless Hair Transplant

As you can see, the DentaPen is one of the best hair transplant procedures, and the working mechanism of the same deserves special mention. In the most simple terms, we can say that this is a robotic syringe, which consequently ensures that a computer controls the entire anesthesia. It will consequently ensure that the anesthesia's precision is much better and the patient can go through a painless hair transplant procedure. Not only that, the DentaPen is highly effective and does a great job.

The device uses cutting-edge technology, and the injections are made much more comfortable by enabling them with the microprocessor. The processor ensures that one can have stable control of the high and low speeds, which is very important to ensure that there is complete efficiency. Not only that, the DentaPen, on the other hand, ensures that there is complete control of the pressure levels as well, and hence it aids in more pain-free procedures. Since the inception of DentaPen, it has made hair transplantation in Kolkata a great endeavor.

Does the Painless Hair Transplantation Process Ensure a Better Recovery Rate?

As you can understand from the preface of the process, the DentaPen ensures that there are no effective staples or stitches involved in the process. Not only that, as you can see that the pen deploys the latest FUE techniques, which on the other hand, has a much more proficient recovery rate.

Not only that, but after you have finished the hair transplant process, you will be able to get back to normal life without any disturbance. The painless hair transplant process is smooth on the skin; hence, there are no chances of any infection contraction.


If you want a complete painless hair transplant, which is the best, you can contact us at Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions. All you need to do is book an appointment with us in advance; consequently, we will take care of the entire hair transplant process efficiently.

About the Author

Hi there! This is Chetna Sharma. I am a Working Professional. I love to Blogging, Music, Painting, Reading, Sketching/drawing/doodling, Writing. I would love to connect with everyone here.

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Author: Chetna Sharma

Chetna Sharma

Member since: Nov 22, 2022
Published articles: 39

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