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What Are Carbon Neutral Mobile Plans And Why Should You Focus On Them?

Author: Hartnett Crews
by Hartnett Crews
Posted: Mar 02, 2023

According to recent research, in the last 2-3 years the number of Australians concerned about their carbon footprint has risen significantly. The pandemic taught people the value of a healthy life and ecosystem who are now more vary about their actions and their impact on this planet. This changing perception also compels businesses to reconsider their modus operandi and make a change that aligns with the changing consumer perception. The green or carbon-neutral telco is an idea that syncs well with this thought pattern.

Strategies like carbon-neutral mobile plans are being forwarded commercially to make people aware of their shifting inclination to a better environment. By definition, a carbon-neutral mobile plan is one that works for activities with zero or very low carbon footprints. In Australia, the new Telstra mobile SIM plans have inculcated this idea successfully. More and more companies are joining the suite by applying for Climate Active certification. Fundamentally, a company can avail of the Climate Active certificate by calculating its emissions, including an effective carbon reduction strategy, increasing purchase of offsets, successful data audits, and maintaining a public summary of its claim for carbon-neutral operations with annual updates.

Telstra, for example, recently announced that its mobile plans have carbon-neutral certification promising minimum impact on the surroundings. It is one of the largest carbon-neutral brands in Australia and along with green telco plans it is extending support to several green projects in Western Australia, Queensland, and India. Every single element of Telstra mobile operations right from SIM cards to power that maintains the network and complete communication infrastructure is a hundred per cent carbon offset. When you choose Telstra you choose green.

Apart from Telstra, Goodtel, Belong, and Vodafone is some of the few other brands that are establishing a strong connection with ecologically conscious consumers. Belong, for example, was one of the first companies to receive Climate Active certification and has made heavy investments in renewable energy projects overseas and locally. Felix is another example, that is working with a hundred per cent renewable energy setups and plants one tree on behalf of every customer per month. Some of these strategies are fruitful while a few others seem very basic. But the noteworthy point here is the rising acknowledgement and directional effort towards a better ecological work mode. It was a long-awaited shift that will bring generational changes in the complete business environment and markets across the world.

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Author: Hartnett Crews

Hartnett Crews

Member since: Jul 25, 2022
Published articles: 40

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