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8 Proven Steps for Real YouTube Promotion

Author: James Miller
by James Miller
Posted: Jan 18, 2024
video content

In the modern days, not only YouTubers and other creators but various companies across the industries utilize YouTube to gain more viewers as it can help to flourish business. With more than 2 billion active users and millions of creators on the platform, it gets quite difficult to stand out among the horde. If you want to grow your channel as well, here are the 8 proven steps of real YouTube promotion that can help you stay ahead in the game while gaining more attention.

1. No Spamming

One common mistake most creators make these days is to comment on popular videos for subscribing to the channel. Spamming on other’s content only reduces your credibility and it is also against YouTube’s guidelines. So, do not spam or your channel will be punished by the community.

2. Take Inspiration from Others

If you go through the section of ‘Suggested Videos’ on YouTube, you will find similar videos or video content from the same industry that might be attractive to the viewers. A wise idea is to take inspiration from popular videos in your niche and create video content that attracts people with the same field of interest. With the help of hashtags, you can find similar kinds of videos and by adding them in the description, your video will be suggested to viewers as well.

3. Cross Promote on Social Media

The power of social media platforms is not unknown. So, if you want to improve your viewer base and number of subscribers, the best way is to cross-promote your content through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, and many others. These platforms are usually filled with millions of active online users and it can help to tap into a potential audience base.

4. Relevant Video Content

It might sound like a no-brainer but it is a more intriguing process to provide the audience with something that they are already familiar with. Your video content must be trendy with the market which offers a quick boost in exposure since people are already looking for something similar. It is great to offer new findings and studies that help to educate your audience and keep them engaged.

5. Custom Thumbnails are Important

Thumbnails are what viewers see first and judge the content whether they want to proceed with it or not. Adding a custom thumbnail is an absolute game changer that helps to improve click-through rate and attracts many viewers to check the video content.

6. Relevant Keywords and SEO

Use relevant keywords in the video title and description which makes the content more visible for the audience. The keywords allow the video content to appear successfully with every relevant search result. It works for both YouTube and the search engines like Google.

7. Engage with YouTube Community

YouTube communities are very active and strong. Their support allows creators to grow with views and online activities. Make sure to engage with your audience and be an active member of your community. When your fans can communicate with you, they are more likely to be loyal subscribers.

8. Pay Attention to Holidays and Events

Holidays and other events are the best time of year when it helps to create a great buzz among the viewers. And you should take complete advantage of it. If you release a New Year Special video at the time of the new year, it can generate more views than your regular videos as it is trendy and helps to gain more attention.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned tips work great for all kinds of creators on YouTube but as a creator, you must focus on producing more content as well. Hiring a professional agency for video promotion is also a good choice here as it provides plenty of time for you to optimize your channel.

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Author: James Miller

James Miller

Member since: Jan 12, 2024
Published articles: 2

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