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Dealing with sexual issues in women - Best sexologist in Delhi

Author: Inderjeet Gautam
by Inderjeet Gautam
Posted: Jun 25, 2015

Women who suffer from sexual problems might be well aware that it is not easy to deal with it.The type of problem you suffer from is directly related to the different stages of the sexual response cycle.When you are not able to achieve complete satisfaction,you can consider it as a sexual problem provided it happens on a regular basis. No matter what,it can be extremely stressful for a woman as everyone craves for satiating sexual a matter of fact,it can be equally distressful for the partner too.If you think you are also going through similar situation then you need to get in touch with the best sexologist in Delhi.

There are three forms of sexual problems of which women complain the most.

Pain at the time of intercourse – Dyspareunia,commonly known as pain at the time of intercourse,is common.Just like any other form of sexual problem,it might be the reason for woman losing interest in having sex.

Difficulty is achieving orgasm or sexually aroused - Failure to get aroused is related to lack of desire.In some instances, woman feels desire for sex but cannot be sexually aroused.There is very possibility that orgasm might not occur at all or may get delayed. The situation can be extremely distressful because woman gets aroused but fails to achieve orgasm.According to studies conducted, it has been established that near about seven to ten percent women suffer from one or the other kind of orgasmic disorder.

Lack of desire to have sex – It is one of the most common problems faced by both men and women, however,especially in women.The condition impedes the sexual response cycle even before it begins.Although it is temporary a problem,but there are many people who find it as an ongoing problem.

Causes of sexual issues in women

Pelvic inflammatory disease –This is an infection which slowly affects the cervix,ovaries and uterus.It is very painful an infection,and having sex while suffering from it can be all the more painful.

Vaginitis – Irritation as well as inflammation of vaginal tissues because of an infection can be the reason for painful or uncomfortable intercourse.

History of abuse – A woman who has undergone sexual or any other kind of abuse might find it difficult to trust her partner.This,in turn,stops her from feeling aroused or relax. There is very possibility that she may be having feelings of resentment,fear or guilt.

Endometriosis,surgical scars,pelvic mass and ovarian cysts are the biggest obstruction that make the entire sexual act painful or difficult.

Damage to nerve after surgery.Unavoidable cutting of nerves at the time of nerve surgery might reduce response as well as sensation to the sexual cycle.

Above slated are some of the most common causes of sexual problems in women.If you have also similar issues then all that you need to do is get in touch with the best sexologist in Delhi to get the right treatment.

About the Author

Gautam Clinic specialises in dealing with issues related to infertility and other sexual problems.

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Author: Inderjeet Gautam

Inderjeet Gautam

Member since: Sep 13, 2014
Published articles: 58

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