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Sterling PHP frameworks: The excellent platforms for developing cost-effective websites

Author: Celin Smith
by Celin Smith
Posted: Oct 09, 2013

PHP is one of the most extensively used developed technologies for web development in this contemporary IT world. One notable feature that has added a specialty and made this platform more popular is its dynamic scripting language that renders complete support to all kinds of websites whether it is large scale or small scale. In fact, it has provided a mammoth range of frameworks to the developers so as to streamline and expedite the complete application development project.

When PHP just entered the market, it was flawed with the core features that can help a PHP developer to work with an ease. Gradually, all the developers all over the world started tendering the open source niche and thus, various frameworks came into existence.

Powerful PHP frameworks:

PHP has an elongated list of open source frameworks which are loaded with features and offer plenty of tools to build the robust websites. There are describes as follows:

  • Zend:

This framework includes components that can mollify all the programming needs of a Zend Development Company. A few important components of Zend are zend_consolegetop, zend_cache, zend_config, zend_acl, zend_auth and there are many more components. This also offers pretty simple and best functional solutions so that a business can target on main area rather than wasting all the precious time on resolving problems.

  • Cake PHP:

A magnificent framework, cake PHP had evolved in 2005 and steadily it gained momentum. The CakePHP Development has the basis of Ruby on Rails and the features that are incorporated are MVC (Model View Controller) architecture, scaffolding application, view helpers, data sanitization, Javascript, Helpers for Ajax, Security sessions, Built-in validations, Application and CRUD code production with Bake and there are many more.

  • Magento:

Stationed on MVC framework and this is an open source framework that furnishes users with various editions which are meant to assist the users with diverse editions which aids the users in a very optimum manner. There are three editions that are comprised of different features which are designed as per the needs of the online merchants. All these editions have different features which are meant to fulfill the needs of the merchants with all best possibilities.

  • CodeIgniter:

The very elementary and simple to use framework is the CodeIgniter. This can award the best call to the developers who are seeking a fault proof yet simple and quick platform for developing a website. The coding stuff is not too much involved and the framework performs amazingly on all the hosting platforms. Thus, it can be concluded that it needs nearly zero configuration where there is merely no use of coding.

  • Symfony:

It is a pool of third party libraries and amazing web development services. Significant features of symphony includes scaffolding, simple templates, Ajax support, multiliguism, smart URLs, MVC separation, object model, cache management, I18N support and there are a few more.

Thus, all the frameworks enlightened the web developers to develop the websites enriched with excellent features. Consequently, the developers can have cost-effective, time efficient and user friendly platform for developing the websites.

About the Author

Celin Smith is a passionate Php developer and content developer, working with the Xicom Technologies Ltd.

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Author: Celin Smith

Celin Smith

Member since: Sep 17, 2013
Published articles: 26