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Decoding Everything About Propane

Author: Sara Cornar
by Sara Cornar
Posted: Jul 20, 2015

Alternative fuel sources like fossil fuels are gaining popularity by the day. In fact, today natural gas and propane are primarily used to heat homes and offices as

opposed to oil or electricity. Statistics also uphold that 57% of American homes use natural gas as a heating fuel. Natural gas is not just a cheaper alternative for

heating and cooking, but also burns cleaner than other sources of energy.

However, natural gas also emits some amounts of greenhouse gases which can damage the environment in the long run. Therefore, propane is emerging as the better alternative as it does not harm the environment in any manner.

What is Propane?

Propane is nothing but liquefied petroleum (LP) gas. Plant and animal remains are subject to heat and pressure over centuries that change them to sources of energy. In fact, propane is derived primarily from natural gas or petroleum which are found deep under the surface of the Earth.

Propane is stored in a liquid state in closed tanks or containers under pressure. When heated up to a specific temperature, it turns into vapor and a potential source of energy. This energy can be effectively used to heat homes, cook food, heat water and even run vehicles. It is used in homes, offices, industries and even industries.

While the primary purpose continues to be space heating, propane can also power air conditioners, ovens, barbecues, clothes dryers, water heaters and generators. Many cars, buses, trucks, fork-lifts, tractors and agricultural equipment also run on propane.

What works in favor of Propane?

  • This is a non-toxic, colorless and odorless gas. In fact, a distinctive odor (like rotten eggs) is added for ease of detection.
  • It is compact and takes up very less space in its liquid form.
  • It is portable due to the inherent density and ease of storage.
  • This is about the cleanest burning fuel gas. The carbon footprint is zilch and it can be safely released into the atmosphere. You actually protect the environment by using this green energy!
  • Propane burns efficiently too. It contains more than double heat energy per unit than natural gas.
  • It works better in cold weather, thus effectively meeting heating needs in the harsh winter.
  • Propane is reliable and readily available in USA. Almost 90% of the nation-wide demand is met by domestic production itself. The rest is mostly imported from

Canada and Mexico.

The only thing that works against propane is that it costs much more to refine propane than natural gas. While it does work out almost three times more expensive, you can always look for a good bargain through some suppliers of quality and cheap oil in Bergen County, Ramsey, NNJ. Propane prices are not subject to variances due to global conditions and the abundant supply is also pulling down the prices.

Moreover, while electrical energy and natural gas is directly supplied to households and businesses, propane has to be sourced from a reliable supplier of cheap oil in Bergen County, Ramsey, NNJ. The dealer will transport propane in a truck and users have to store it in tanks or containers on site. Small refillable cylinders can be used for cooking purposes.

Keep in mind that fossil fuels are combustible and a leak can prove potentially dangerous. While careful handling and safe usage is imperative, the good news is that leaks can be easily detected from the odor. Stringent safety regulations are in place and propane also boasts of the lowest flammability range amongst alternative sources of energy.

Little wonder then that more and more people are switching to propane as their primary source of energy!

Which source of energy do you prefer and why? Share your views below.

About the Author

Sara Cornar is a professional writer. She writes about various heating products reader of online and offline. Her articles and blogs have piqued the interest of many a readers because of their informative yet not so mundane nature.

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Author: Sara Cornar

Sara Cornar

Member since: Jul 20, 2015
Published articles: 1

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