If you are living in a strata apartment or lot in NSW and are planning to renovate your residing place then as an owner it is essential for you to understand the strata renovation regulations. As an...
A strata management company is one that specializes in the management of property that is owned by more than one organization or individual. This may incorporate a condominium complex, where all...
Strata management is a great concept for property management and taking care of day to day operations related to strata properties. As an owner of a lot or apartment under the strata scheme, you may...
Living in a strata property can be rewarding because it is a cost-effective and convenient way to own an apartment or house within the strata belongings. You can own a lot or individual apartment...
There is nothing as interesting as having a successful real estate business in Sydney. Owning property is also a business. Just like other businesses, owning property has its many challenges. Such...