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Oliver Moore

Member since: Oct 07, 2019
Published articles: 64

A Practical Approach for Medical Device Testing

The critical role of medical devices can be understood from the fact that any component or software failure can put the lives of patients in jeopardy. To ensure these devices function to their optimum...

Articles > Computers > Software Dec 01, 2019
Debunking the Common Regression Testing Myths

With customer experience driving enterprises towards delivering better quality products, they are going the Agile-DevOps way. In this, any product or service needs to be continuously upgraded to meet...

Articles > Computers > Software Jun 22, 2020
Developing a Robust Salesforce Testing Strategy

Quality remains the fundamental element in the success of any organization, let alone a digital one. With digital technology playing a discerning role in improving the quality of our lives, ensuring...

Articles > Computers > Software May 11, 2020
Developing the Right Framework for Iot Testing

With digital technology driving the world and making the lives of people easier than ever before, the quest is for making it more decentralized, distributed, and easy to handle. This is where the...

Articles > Computers > Software Feb 23, 2020
Devops and Cloud Integration: Best Practices

Delivering high-quality software at the pace the market demands requires teams to iterate and experiment rapidly. Teams must deploy newer software versions frequently and be driven by feedback and...

Articles > Communications > Communications Dec 27, 2024
Devops Approach – Challenges and Best Practices

With quality-driven customer satisfaction becoming the key differentiator for businesses, the role of QA has undergone a transformation. If earlier, software testing was an adjunct to the development...

Articles > Computers > Software Oct 24, 2019
Digital Health – an Overview of Healthcare Transformation for the Coming Years

The relentless journey of digitalization has touched every sector of the economy, including healthcare. If we look at healthcare as a microcosm then there has been a lot of progress made in the past...

Articles > Computers > Software Mar 01, 2020
Everything You Need to Know About Software Integration Testing

The software applications driving the modern digital ecosystem, in conjunction with the hardware systems, are dependent on various third-party applications and platforms. The omnichannel footprint of...

Articles > Computers > Software Jan 02, 2020
Fitting Qa and Sec in Devops

Traditional QA is woefully short in tackling the challenges of modern software applications. This is due to the fact that today’s software applications have interfaces with several digital elements...

Articles > Computers > Software Mar 23, 2020
Functionality Testing: the Imperative for Your Software Application Quality

The user expectations for any software product are changing fast. Therefore, the risk of releasing any software application with glitches can be detrimental to its performance in the market. To ensure...

Articles > Computers > Software Jul 25, 2020
How a Qa Culture Can Determine Ultimate Success

Competition forces businesses or technicians to come up with things (read innovations) that they would not do otherwise. In the rat race where businesses are delivering products or services at the...

Articles > Computers > Software Dec 21, 2019
How Ai Will Play a Critical Role in the Qa Strategies of the Future

Enterprises embark upon digital transformation to achieve a host of outcomes including improved productivity, better customer experience, efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced ROI. In the quest to...

Articles > Computers > Software Nov 03, 2019
How Erp Testing Services Can Help You Get the Most out of Your Erp Applications

Today, businesses have to compete in an unforgiving environment. They need to execute a host of activities including meeting tight deadlines, responding to client or customer issues in real-time...

Articles > Computers > Software Jun 28, 2020
How Load Testing, Stress Testing, and Performance Testing Differ from One Another

Software testing is an essential part of the SDLC involving software development and deployment as well. The reason for testing a software is to ensure it operates as per the required parameters and...

Articles > Computers > Software Nov 22, 2019
How Quality Engineering Plays an Integral Role in Digital Transformation

Organizations are embracing digital technologies to give customers omnichannel experiences and scale up their business volumes. The disruptive nature of these technologies has allowed companies to...

Articles > Computers > Software Jan 03, 2020
1 2 3 4 5 . . . 7

Author Bio

Oliver has been associated with Cigniti Technologies Ltd as an Associate Manager - Content Marketing, with over 10 years of industry experience as a Content Writer in Software Testing & Quality Assurance industry.