The concept of skip tracing seems to be lifted straight off a Hollywood movie. A skip tracer is a professional bounty hunter or a detective who works to connect the broken links and give you the...

Do you need a landing page? Umm… yes.The co-founder of Unbounce and digital marketing expert, Oli Gardner, agrees. But do you need lots of landing pages? Yes!According to this research as well, the...

Hannah Baker needed 13 reasons why to commit suicide but your mails only need three.The email has the highest ROI (return on investment). The use of email is the foundation of digital marketing...

Top of Form Bottom of Form We are living in a data-driven economy where data is the most important facet of decision making and eventually, a business’s net worth. While every organisation boasts of...

Email Prospecting Tips for Salespeople: Best Practices that Win Customers and Increase Conversion! Email marketing is often approached with caution. Because often, it can hurt a sender’s reputation...

Take a look around. Everything around you is evolving. You. Your business. Your customers. But what about CRM? Why should your CRM software be stagnant? Is it an outdated one or the one with...

The hype around data is hardly news. It is a critical part of a business and rightly so. It is the ultimate competitive differentiator and referred to as the new oil of the world that of course, can’t...

Digital transformation’ is a term that implies to structure the organizational, operational, and technological foundation of your business to create a seamless and robust experience. The future...

Your business is as effective as your marketing strategy. We live in an era where businesses that are able to showcase themselves are thriving. Monopoly and oligopoly are increasingly becoming extinct...

The concept of skip tracing comes from an age-old phenomenon of finding something new or finding something which was lost. Human beings have an inherent desire of exploring unknown and unraveling it...

Salesforce discontinued data.com, which was reportedly making money for the company by offering qualified leads to the businesses. And if you are wondering and still trying to make sense of what...

Businesses are looking for new ways to solve the eternal mystery called a customer. They are trying to devise new ways to forge connections with them and to make their brands click. What’s the secret...

What was once used by the US military as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency network) is today known as the Internet. With data grew from few gigabytes to 1.2 million terabytes today. In 1995...

Data is the lifeline of every business, and no business should wait for spring break to start data cleansing in Salesforce.. The criticality of good data can’t be stressed enough to maximise...

Why is skip tracing the Key to Preventing Frauds?by Sushodh G | Apr 7, 2020 | Data, skip tracing | 0 commentsMost businesses operate on trust with the debts and credits being an integral part of their...