Ricky Sheikh
Member since: May 01, 2020
Published articles: 7

Agricultural chelate is a form of micronutrients used in fertilizers to improve its performance. The applications of chelates vary from foliar sprays, seed dressings to fertilizer additives, and...

Autonomous last mile delivery is used in autonomous vehicle to deliver product or services to doorsteps of customers. This process does not involve any human interventions. This delivery process often...

Enterprise information archiving (EIA) is a software that combines solutions and products for archiving user messaging content such as instant messaging, email, SMS and public and business social...

Feed enzyme is a biological catalyst made up of amino acids, minerals, proteins, and vitamins extracted from plants, animals, and microorganisms. The feed enzymes increase the nutritional value of...

Lawful Interception (LI) is the facility in telecommunications and telephone networks which enable the law enforcement agencies to selectively wiretap individual subscribers. Basically, law...

Nematicide is a chemical pesticide used to kill plant-parasitic nematodes. It is a broad-spectrum toxicant possessing high volatility, which helps in promoting migration through the soil. Nematodes...

A penetration test is an attempt to gauge the security of IT infrastructure by safely trying to utilize vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities might exist in services, operating systems, application...
Author Bio
Ricky Sheikh, SEO & Research Analyst in GMI research a market research and consulting firm.