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Sergey Laptick

Member since: Apr 01, 2022
Published articles: 32

Code Rewrite Vs Code Refactoring. Choosing the Best Code Transformation Tactics

Implementing a perfect software solution on the first try is impossible. At some point, developers may start suspecting their codebase is a complete mess and doesn't correspond to what they had in...

Articles > Computers > Programming Feb 08, 2024
How Much Does It Cost to Build a Fleet Management App to Make Your Business Operate Like Clockwork

Fleet management is one of those parts of a business that can't be left to chance. A dozen vehicles is already a pretty complex system to track and manage efficiently. With each new truck, the number...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Jul 11, 2022
The Difference Between Asynchronous and Synchronous Programming

Long gone are the days when computers could only process one thread of data at a speed that left much to be desired. Today, even an average smartphone has more computing power than PCs used to send...

Articles > Computers > Programming Dec 12, 2022
Avoiding Business Growth Problems. How to Build a Large-Scale Application

Business software is as unique a part of the company as its logo. Therefore, each business organization that applies for the services of a software development company, has a unique set of...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology May 23, 2022
Back to Basics. the Difference Between Programming Languages and Frameworks

It’s essential to know every bit and byte of your software project to ensure its reliability and security. However, sometimes it is not so easy to draw the line between some core concepts involved in...

Articles > Computers > Programming Aug 07, 2022
Brushing the Rust off Your Software. the Importance of Legacy Migration

The reasons a specific company keeps using legacy software may vary. Some don’t want to change anything if an app performs its business functions. The others are afraid of costs related to designing...

Articles > Computers > Programming Jan 12, 2023
Delivering State-Of-The-Art Saas Solutions with 12 Factor App Methodology

The SaaS development industry is rapidly growing, with businesses everywhere choosing these apps to power their operations. According to a recent Gartner forecast, the global cloud apps market will...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Mar 25, 2023
Ehr Software Development. Saving People's Health by Electronic Means

Digital transformation not only affects the way we entertain ourselves and communicate with each other. The healthcare industry has also transformed. With your laptop or smartphone, you can not only...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Oct 22, 2022
From Adaptive Ai to New Green Initiatives. What Tech Trends to Watch in 2023

It’s hard to predict with 100% accuracy where the wind of technological development will blow in the upcoming decades. However, the waves that specific trends leave on the surface of the digital ocean...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Dec 30, 2022
How Adaptive Ai Takes the Interaction Between Business and Customers to a New Level

Artificial intelligence has become a normal phenomenon for dozens of modern businesses from a revolutionizing trend. The increasing popularity of ChatGPT is revolutionizing how we do business and...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Mar 30, 2023
How Co-Browsing Helps Businesses Overcome Problems Hand to Hand with Their Clients

The intention of every business to make its customers' experience as enjoyable as possible takes many forms following the current state of technology. Today, you won't surprise anybody with AI...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Oct 15, 2023
How Custom Software Help Building the Supply Chain with No Weak Links

When we want to describe some complex process we often say that it has a lot of moving parts. In supply chain management (SCM), a lot of things are literally moving. Companies, for example, have to...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Jun 01, 2022
How Inbound and Outbound Logistics Work, and How to Make Them Work Better

The logistics network is the foundation of every business dealing with physical goods. Whether you manufacture high-precision measuring electronics or sell tennis balls, you want to ensure supply and...

Articles > Business & Careers > Transportation Sep 22, 2023
How Sdlc Prototype Model Helps Build Comprehensive Apps when Requirements Are Unclear

Stable and feature-rich software is a goal to which you can move using different paths. There are no good or bad among them. Eventually, you’ll get an app that performs its functions properly and...

Articles > Computers > Programming Nov 29, 2022
How to Build an Ecommerce App and Live Happily Ever After

Building an ecommerce web app for your business is a seemingly tiny step that can become a gigantic leap for your business. Internet presence is one of those things that helps customers to distinguish...

Articles > Computers > Software Aug 22, 2022
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Author Bio

Technical writer and content creator. Passionate about delivering reader-friendly tech-related content. Love Linux, FOSS, and horror movies.