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Sergey Laptick

Member since: Apr 01, 2022
Published articles: 32

Weaning from Bad Programming Habits. How to Avoid React Anti-Patterns

We can consider React the king of the web when it comes to frontend development. It’s a lightweight JavaScript library whose functionality and flexibility won the hearts of coders all around the...

Articles > Computers > Programming Jul 25, 2022
When Scrum Isn’t Enough. Major Principles and Benefits of Disciplined Agile Delivery (Dad)

Current trends show that Agile is the new norm. Even if you’re not a professional developer, most probably, you’ve heard of it. The 15th Annual State of Agile Report by demonstrates that...

Articles > Computers > Information Technology Apr 04, 2022
1 2 3 4

Author Bio

Technical writer and content creator. Passionate about delivering reader-friendly tech-related content. Love Linux, FOSS, and horror movies.