Virtual Reality Reporter
Member since: Jun 10, 2015
Published articles: 6

Head mounted display signifies wearable computer displays. Just put those on your head and you are ready to enter a completely new world that opens up before you and engulfs you with them. You can...

Can you imagine bubbles floating in front of your eyes with cool information about everything you see around you? Of course you have seen things like that in sci-fi movies but this is no movie and it...

3D gaming systems which the late gamers control their in-game avatars with body movement, are one of the most hyped trends in the world of virtual reality games and with availability of gadgets like...

Expectations of people from Oculus Rift have always been quite expansive right from the day of its launch in 2011. It has revolutionized the world of 3-D games completely opening up new vistas for the...

The interest of the gamers change according to the availability of the new technologies and the latest one to capture their imagination is the virtual reality. There has been a slow yet steady rise in...

Do you think that virtual reality games are the only application of this exciting technology, which has enabled people to create brand new realities? No doubt, social networking and gaming constitute...