Heather Cameron
Member since: Jul 14, 2015
Published articles: 6

Menopause information and Resources for WomenMenopause is not something that suddenly happens. Around the age of 40, women enter what is known as the Perimenopause stage. Again, there is no biological...

It appears that menopause and weight gain are quite closely linked – or why would women begin to gain weight after menopause? Gaining weight is common among women aged 50 and above, and more so with...

Despite the fact that we no longer live in medieval times, there is unfortunately; a lot of ignorance in our modern society about Menopause, what it is, what it means and what can be done to alleviate...

Symptoms of the approaching menopause include vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats, disturbed sleep, weight gain around the abdominal area, hair loss, loss of breast size and lack of...

Most women dread the onset of menopause. Menopause is not a condition or disease but a natural event in a woman’s life when she stops menstruating and is no longer fertile. Female menopause symptoms...

They say information is priceless. In reality only correct information is priceless. When it comes to women’s menopause there is an abundance of information that mostly comes from sources that have...
Author Bio
The Mrcw we honor your unique experience and your unique challenges. There is no one else in the world quite like you and no one will experience Menopause quite like you will because your, Genetic, Symptomatic and Hormonal profile is specific to you.