Southpack Llc
Member since: Jul 23, 2015
Published articles: 48

Apart from being known for playing a vital role in food product preservations throughout the distribution chain for more shelf life, food packaging accounts for more than 60% of the total value of...

The process of thermoforming has been around for quite some time now. The process is actually quite easy to understand – it involves heating sheets of plastic to a high temperature till they become...

Logistics and transporting, the most important part of economy, saw a new sun rising with the global demand. Markets opened up to everyone around the world. Countries liberalised their policy to...

The beauty products industry, or the cosmetics industry, is at its all-time high in this era. Never was this kind of boost seen in the sector before. Part of it can be attributed to the entertainment...

One can witness the extensive use of plastic products and blister packs in the pharmaceutical packaging industry quite easily these days. In fact, most companies operating in the cosmetics packaging...

The need for specialized packaging is felt on occasions when goods are to be transported across vast distances without any damage to the goods. Thus came about the specialized solutions that took care...

Cosmetic packaging is an important part of effective marketing. Only when a product appears pleasing to the eye, will the consumers consider purchase. Also, a company may offer an expansive range of...

Packaging has been an important thing since the dawn of the civilization. When the talk is of packaging of food, it has evolved with the progress of knowledge. Material discoveries, scientific...

Packaging functions are a key part of manufacturing processes that must be appropriately addressed. They provide a solution for the best possible handling and safety of items. Basic arrangements are...

When it comes to food packaging, plastic is widely used by the industry in different forms and in spite of the popular belief plastic is not always the worst choice for packaging – even from an...

Plastic packaging manufacturers are an industry whose importance cannot be stated in plain words. Everything available in every store in this world is sold in a cover manufactured by these product...

As thermoformed packaging articles are now being widely used for the purpose of food packaging and also by various other industries like electronics, pharmaceuticals and toiletries, the heavy gauge...

Food packaging is basically packaging done for food which requires tampering resistance, safeguarding, and distinct chemical or physical needs. Packaging should protect products from peripheral...

The transportation of the product from the warehouse to the retailer carries the additional risk of damage and contamination before it could be consumed in the market. In order to avoid such...

Plastics and plastic packaging have been widely used in day to day lives. Be it home use or industrial, everywhere plastic is prevalent. At the same time, many apprehensions on plastic food packaging...
Author Bio
Southpack.com provides the highest quality product packaging services at the most competitive prices.