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Ella Stevens

Member since: Aug 07, 2015
Published articles: 16

Cabbage Can Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Although love is beautiful but getting intimate with your partner is one of the pleasurable thing. Boredom ohhh….. It can definitely destroy your love life. If a man Is not able to satisfy his partner...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Sep 08, 2015
Certain Prescription Medications Dampens Your Intimate Life

Many people are aware of the fact that certain drugs may cause sexual problems in them. In the list of certain medications, prescription medications are also included. Sexual dysfunction is one of the...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Sep 25, 2015
Condoms Can Cause Erection Problem in Men

Condom has many successful stories. It is a route of having a pleasurable safe sex. As we know condom is effective to prevent pregnancy and STD?s (Sexually transmitted disease). A condom is known as a...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Aug 21, 2015
Delight Your Love Life with Kamagra

Kamagra tablets have quickly gained a big fan following among ED medication users. This medication provides the same reaction as blue pill but is available at much cheaper rates. So let’s look deep...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Nov 07, 2015
Erectile Dysfunction is Linked with Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common non – skin cancers in America, affecting 1 in 7 men. Approximately 3 million Americans are currently living with prostate cancer. It is estimated, in 2015...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Sep 24, 2015
How to Spice Up Your Love Life with Kamagra

Jenny," you ready soldier?" Ben," I was born cesarean, I mean ready" Jenny," it’s been a long time" Ben," really? Cause I think the last time we did it I think when Bruce Willis had hair" Jenny...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Oct 06, 2015
Smoking Can Be an Obstruction in Bed

We all are quite aware about how cigarette smoking can be a higher risk of death but still people continue smoking. Once an individual is addicted to cigarette smoking it is very difficult to stop it...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Aug 28, 2015
Treat Premature Ejaculation with Kamagra

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems found in men. It is the condition when males ejaculate quickly, either before or shortly after sexual penetration. PE happens before the person...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Sep 02, 2015
Can Silagra Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

Yep more and more uses are being found for the PDE5 inhibiting agent Generic sildenafil citrate 100mg popularly used in Erectile Dysfunction medications such as Blue pills and Silagra. Sildenafil...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Jan 12, 2016
Filagra for a Happy Married Life

Many marriages go through rough patches. Some can recover from it while many sadly cannot. Now these rough patches can be cause by many factors such as loss in sexual chemistry, a mutual ignorance...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Oct 28, 2015
Can Overconsumption Lead to Kamagra Overdose?

Kamagra or Silagra are popular generic ED medications that have found to have helped millions of men around the world. But there is always a curiosity of taking too many pills to provide a richer...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Nov 05, 2015
Enjoy a Healthy Sexual Life Using Lovegra and Vigora

Nowadays in a life full of stress with a busy schedule, it gets really hard for couples a to live a healthy sexual life.Somewhere down the lane the women end up losing interest in engaging in sexual...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Jan 20, 2016
Fatty Foods Can Affect Your Fertility

Cheese, butter, white mayonnaise with deep fried with deep fried nachos on a stick or grilled cheese chicken burger?.yummmm??? This makes our evening great. Americans just love fast food. In the...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Sep 05, 2015
Fill Your Life with Excitement with Filagra

Many relationships tend to lose their spice the longer it goes on. Sometimes golf seems preferable to making love to your partner. Sometimes after a stressful day at the job all you want to do is...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Oct 08, 2015
Kamagra- Important Facts About the Erectile Dysfunction Drug

Erectile dysfunction is found in close to 18 million men in the United States. Yes I know that sounds a lot but tragically its true. But you know for the "fresher’s" let me start from the top...

Articles > Health & Fitness > Men's Health Oct 29, 2015
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Author Bio

Hi, This is Ella Stevens, author of the site We sell good quality ED drugs such as Sildenafil Citrate 100mg, Aurogra, & many more.