When building up is not a viable option, a garage conversion project can help you create additional living space. If you lack a basement or have limited options to expand your home, focus on the small...

When you are looking for the next big renovation project for your home, take a look at the flooring. The flooring material may be old, damaged or simply unable to match the grandeur of other elements...

In modern-day Toronto homes, drywalls are very common. Yet, many homeowners prefer the older, sturdier construction technique of plaster. It is a versatile element that can give your home a smooth...

A perfect color palette goes a long way in improving the look and feel of any room. If you want to add some sparkle to the dull, lifeless kitchen, consider repainting it. When you do not have the...

Winter is not over! It is still chilly out there which means you are definitely not thinking about giving the exterior of your home a makeover. But, if you plan the makeover of the exterior stucco...

Does your home look like it needs a drastic makeover? You do not need to spend several thousand dollars to rejuvenate your little paradise. With the help of a few paint cans, brushes and unique...

Do you find it difficult to store your belongings in the basement? Is your basement not high enough to walk comfortably? Is it impossible to consider it as a living space? If you are facing the...

Does your home give you the opportunity to admire the beauty of nature? Are you interested in enjoying the beautiful landscape of your home while being protected from harsh weather? A sunroom is the...

A foundation of a home is similar to the legs of a human body. Just as strong legs support your body, a strong foundation will support your home. It is the key to a long-lasting concrete structure.If...

What makes a home painting result stunning and breath-taking? In the first look, you do not focus on the quality of color. What matters is the combination of colors that you choose for the room...

Looking for additional space in your home? Before go scouting for a new home or make a decision of undertaking a room addition project, you should head to the basement. Renovate the basement to suit...

Are you a home owner? Do you want to renovate your home or build a concrete structure on your property? You may think that knocking down a wall or building a concrete garage is an easy job. But...

Super-heroes, cute animals, and scary ghosts, you will find everything in your street on 31st of October. The festival along with sweet treats and silly tricks is a favorite of all. But, amongst all...

The best gives the best results!If you want to paint the walls of your home and give it a new look, you need to hire the best painting contractor in town. And, when it comes to making hiring...

After hours of toiling in the sun and multiple coats of paint, a home becomes beautiful. A freshly painted home is a pride of the homeowner. It feels good to have a neat and clean home with bright...
Author Bio
When you love your work, you don't consider it work. I started The Home Improvement Group because building and renovating Toronto Homes has always been a fascination for me.