John Dugan
Member since: May 11, 2013
Published articles: 1614
As every man knows, manhood size is not static; aside from the obvious expansion that occurs during tumescence, the boys downstairs frequently change in size as a natural response to heat and cold...
In the world of manhood problems, one looms large in the fears of men: sacks-related cancer. Horror stories abound about men who wound up with sacks-related cancer, including some high-profile...
Men like to look their best, and for some men that means attempting to cover up any signs of baldness on their head. Men who find baldness unwelcome should know that a recent study indicates a popular...
Most guys occasionally have smelly junk. Sweat, dribbles of stale urine and other body fluids, combined with the heat generated by a double layer of clothing, all guarantee that stinky scents crop up...
Men who loathe barrier protection might not have found the one right for them. The barrier market is rather sprawling, with different shapes, sizes, materials, textures and special features – there’s...
Even when a man has an extremely excited male organ, he needs to remember proper bedroom etiquette: good manners that ensure that the needs of all interested parties – the man, his partner and his...
There's something comforting about having relations with the same person over and over again. In time, both partners know just what to do to bring the pleasure to a head, and sometimes, the routine is...
Sensuality is supposed to be exciting and pleasurable, and most men spend a great deal of time and energy seeking it out. Yet, when it comes down to the moment, it is not unusual for a guy to feel...
Prescription medications are often necessary for treating serious or chronic conditions, and they can be critical to a man’s overall health. However, many medications come with a host of unwanted side...
A vast amount of research has shown that what we eat has a tremendous effect on all aspects of our health and well-being. A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats (yes, you DO need...
As society has become more and more open concerning sensuality, bedroom tips have proliferated in general, as well as in terms of areas previously considered forbidden. Because of this, the taboo...
The idea of a product that's made just for the male organ isn't new. In fact, manufacturers have been developing and manufacturing such products for decades, and hundreds of thousands of men have seen...
The functionality of a man’s member is a big deal to most guys, which is one reason why possessing a bent male organ can be a source of legitimate concern for many men. This can be especially true...
Doctors and patients don't always agree when it comes to a curved or bent manhood. Many doctors say that the condition is mild and that proper treatment can make things better. Men, on the other hand...
Male organ function and manhood health are often related, as a healthy member is more likely to function in a more effective manner. However, sometimes male organ function is less a matter of health...
Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ.