Wohr Parking Systems
Member since: Jul 31, 2016
Published articles: 93

For more than 6 decades, Wohr has been dedicated to the design and manufacture of car parking systems that combat parking problems across the world. Wohr’s journey has been eventful and continuous...

As the world gets burdened with more and more vehicles; as real estate gets scarce and more expensive; making room for the vehicles posesa huge challenge. For over six decades, Wohr has been...

Automated car parking systems have become increasingly important. We need car parking spaces in our homes, offices, malls, hospitals…almost wherever we go!We have seen an evolution of automatic and...
Author Bio
Established in 1902, Wohr has been Designing, Innovating & Installing Various Parking Systems and Solutions since 1959. Wohr is one of the leading manufacturers of car parking systems worldwide. For more than 55 years now.