The rental vehicle business is a labyrinth that involves a variety of distinctive factors — each of which must be properly managed to ensure that the business is successful. As you can imagine, this...
The healthcare sector has embraced ample new technologies in the recent past, but one that stands out is the chatbot. Using Natural Language Processing, chatbots can mimic human-like conversation via...
Childcare services are a detail-oriented endeavor, especially considering the delicate nature of the trade. The need for top-notch quality is not negotiable, i.e., an absolute must. This is why more...
OTT platform development has created quite the buzz in the global market ever since the concept first emerged about a decade ago. However, as technologies and demand drives more and more companies to...
There has been a lot of talk about data engineering over the past few years and yet it continues to be confused with data science even though the two concepts are not the same by any means. Data...
The healthcare industry is undoubtedly among the most complicated sectors in the world. While this assertion is not news by any means, it does have crucial implications for the sector, especially in...
The world of e-commerce has been thriving and how — pretty much since it first arrived on the scene. It is not surprising at all though, given the kind of convenience it offers to the customers that...
There has been growing buzz around enterprise mobile apps lately and we will say this: this popularity is not without reason. Since more and more employees are working out of the office and using...
It is no secret that we are becoming increasingly dependent on digital technologies and it has served us spectacularly well thus far too. Take FinTech, for example; the slew of avant-garde...
It is no secret that the world and the many, many businesses within it rely on seamless logistics and supply chain operations to keep running. Do you know what keeps logistics and supply chains going...
The blog post showcase how IoT benefits fleet management by driving performance, improved accountability, real-time fleet visibility, more and creating competitive advantages for fleet managers.The...
Frontend web development and frameworks act as the major building blocks for the software development process. They help develop the user interface required for web pages and web application creation...
Everywhere you look, you will see a person holding a smartphone. Quite a shift from say a decade ago, when mobile phones were still a novelty, isn’t it? But here we are, with smartphones being an...
In this day and age, a healthcare organization is brimming with data — data that ends up being stored across disconnected, legacy systems across the facility’s operations. This, unfortunately, leads...
FinTech may be a relatively new arrival on the scene. Yet, it has already managed to establish itself as not only a widespread phenomenon but also as an integral part of the modern global economy. If...
Passionate writer. Love to explore new topics...