Anubhav Singh
Member since: Jan 03, 2017
Published articles: 26
Macular Degeneration is a retinal disease that causes visual problems. It affects a part of the retina and occurs when a part of the retina known as the macula is damaged. The retina is a light...
There are diverse eye problems which require medical attention. The specialist is the right person to show the treatment direction to the affected individuals. The eye problems can occur as early as...
Keratoconus is a disease that starts to develop during the teenage years of patients. As per statistics available, this disease affects around 54 people in every 1 lakh people, world over. The disease...
Retinitis pigmentosa is an eye condition that usually is linked to our genes. In this case, the condition of eye photoreceptorspresent in rods and cones in the eyes are gradually depleted that causes...
When we search online to read about colour blindness in various scientific booksit is described as a situation or a case of deficiency in which the subject cannot see or distinguish different colours...
Quote-" Eyes are our windows to the world" a vital organ which is so delicate and prone to getting affected due to either genetics, injury or strain to the eye or plain old age related degenerative...
There are a lot of eye related problems plaguing people from time to time. Some may be simple problems which can be treated quickly while some may need a prolonged treatment. One of the problems that...
Global Statistics available point that at least 300 million people in the world are colour blind and research also proves that one out of every 12 Indian suffers from colour deficiency. Colour...
As per estimates available it has been found that almost 300 million people in the world are colour blind. And, it has been found to affect men more as compared to women. Almost 1 in 12 men and 1 in...
Find out the safe and affordable Macular Edema treatment in India - the natural treatment available in IndiaMacular edema is a condition when there is accumulation of proteins and liquid on or under...
Eye problems are of different types and the progress made in the field of medical science has found cure for almost all the diseases, including the diverse eye problems. Squint is also an eye problem...
Anubhav Singh is a freelance writer and is a blogger for Sanjeevan - For Perfect Eyesight. To view more articles about the various natural eye care treatments visit